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IT WAS APPROXIMATELY HALF PAST ten on a Friday night when it had happened. Iris was just finishing up the last bit of her dinner and putting her dishes away when she quietly headed to her room, in hopes of not disturbing her parents. It wasn't unusual for the Kim family to eat dinner on separate times. Usually Iris ate much later then her parents did as she tended to stay awake long than they usually did.

However, the downside of that was that she needed to be extra careful to not wake them up at night as by the time she went to eat, they were already dead asleep. She usually tended to do an exceptional job at that as she had practice, but on that particular night she wasn't exactly prepared for what was to come.

You see, as soon as Iris headed to her room, she noticed something strange. One, her windows were perched open even though she recalled them being shut before she left her room. The other thing? There were weird noises coming from right outside it, as though there was someone on the other end of it. Iris would've brushed both things off as it being a coincidence if it weren't for the shadowy figure she got a glimpse of, which could only mean one thing.

There was an intruder trying to break in.

Starting to feel her heart begin to pacen by the realization, Iris reacted the only way any other normal person in her situation would do. She grabbed the lamp on the table next to her and slowly made her way towards the window in hopes of knocking the intruder out before he got a chance to do anything and call for help. 

Iris was prepared and was sure she could take the intruder down with the sudden attack. However, she was proven wrong as by the time the shadowy figure had reached the top of Iris' window and managed to make it inside her room, she reacted too late, which allowed the intruder to have the upper hand. He not only caught the lamp Iris was about to hit him with, but also put a hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming bloody murder.

Now you're probably wondering what happened next, and more importantly if Iris was alright.

Well the answer to that is that Iris was perfectly fine actually, without any scratches whatsoever because you see as she began thrashing and attempting to get out of the intruders grip, she got a closer look at him and realized that it was none other than . . .

"Suho?" Iris asked yet her words were muffled as the Lee boys hands were still covering her mouth.

Iris was relieved upon the knowledge there there wasn't an intruder trying to break into her house, but still horrified at the same time that standing before her was Suho, the same Suho who she had been trying to avoid all week long.

When Suho felt that it was safe to let Iris go, he finally did, only for him to be in a hearing from her, "Are you out of your mind!" she shrieked, "I thought there was an intruder or something."

Suho immediately apologized for making her panic as it wasn't hid intention to do such a thing, and Iris sighed as she slowly plopped onto her bed, exhausted form what had happened, "What are you doing here?" she asked.

Suho put his hands in his pockets as he awkwardly swayed his body back and forth, "I needed to talk to you." he explained, "But you weren't answering any of my calls or texts."

Iris decided not to respond to his allegations, seeing as they were true and she didn't want to get into why she was ignoring his calls or texts and instead decided to change the subject, "So you broke into my house?'

Suho didn't say anything and instead shrugged his shoulders. To be frank, Taehoon was the one that had suggested the idea of him going to Iris' house when he had explained that she was avoiding him. He had rejected it at first and felt trying to break in was too extreme, but Taehoon told him that if he wanted to make things right, the two needed to communicate one way or another, whether that be thanks to him basically breaking into her house.

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