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IRIS FELT HERSELF HEAVING OUT a heavy sigh as she glanced at the clock, wondering how the events had led for this to happen. It was currently half past seven which meant that Iris was currently running late for school, again. Iris wasn't sure how this had happened because she had made sure to sleep early the night before, as well as set so many alarms.

The fact that she had managed to miss almost all of them proved to her that she hadn't been improving immensely as she thought she had been on her routine for the school year. Oh well. It's not like Iris was the most smartest person in the world. She seemed to be wrong on many things. For instance, chocolate with fruit really wasn't as bad as people made it out to be, or that the ending for 'The Good Place' actually was satisfying.

Oh and she couldn't forger how wrong she was about Suho and Jugyeongs so called relationship. Iris chuckled to herself at how naïve she used to be, assuming things here and there and stressing herself out for nothing.

Though at the time it all sucked, if she had just thought about talking to Suho about what was going on, then all that drama between the two of them wouldn't have even happened, and it wouldn't have taken them this long to get together.

Iris shook her head at the thoughts and glanced at herself one last time in the mirror before making her way out of her house, deeming herself presentable enough for the day. When she had a look at the watch on her wrist , she was relieved to see that she had just barely managed to get dressed and out of her house in time to be able to walk to school Suho.

Her Suho.

Just the thought of his name brought a smile to Iris' lips. It was safe to say that after Suhos little confession and their first kiss, the two had decided from then on to start dating. They had been together for at least four weeks now, and things were going great.

Though they were kind of slow at the moment, Iris liked that about their relationship. She wasn't the most experienced when it came to relationships, and found herself learning quite alot with Suho by her side.

As Iris neared the spot that the two of them usually met up on, her smile was replaced with a frown when she saw that it was empty, which made no sense to her as she was sure that Suho had messaged her earlier saying he had arrived. Maybe she was imagining things.

Iris felt herself getting snapped out of her train of thoughts when she felt someone hovering behind her, "Looking for someone?"

Iris was startled by the sudden voice that appeared from practically nowhere. However, when she turned her head and saw that it was none other than Suho himself, looking down at her with a sheepish smile, she felt herself relax almost instantly.

"Gosh!" she said before playfully swatting the Lee boys arm for startling her, "You scared me." she told him with a pout.

Suho apologized profusely as he pulled her in for a hug. When the two finally pulled away after a while, he took something out from his bag, "Here. I stopped by the convenience store on my way here." he said as he handed Iris a carton of her favorite chocolate milk.

Iris grinned, now understanding why the boy had taken longer than he said he would. "You know, I was actually craving this." she told him before smiling, "Thank you."

Suho smiled at the girl as he grabbed her waist and pulled her in for another hug, "Anything for my Iris."

After a while, the two eventually found themselves beginning to walk to school hand in hand in silence. Though nothing needed to be said as the two felt comforted by the unspoken words,  Suho still turned to her after a little while to ask what was on his mind.

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐃, true beauty Where stories live. Discover now