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- y/f/c - your favorite color
- trigger warnings!: none.

key- y/f/c - your favorite color- trigger warnings!: none

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AS THE SUN ROSE, its light tickling y/n's skin through the window, they began to open their eyes, adjusting to their surroundings. they looked down, finding themselves laying on top of quackity's chest, his soft snores and arm wrapped securely around their waist, making them crack a smile. they loved mornings like this.

you fixed yourself up, slipping out of quackity's warm grasp, going to the mirror to brush your hair [rip if you don't have hair like mack janifold from burger king. then ig you just standing at the mirror like🧍‍♂️]. after a few minutes, you saw quackity stirring in his sleep from the mirror, the bedsheets slowly slipping off and exposing his shoulders.

he began waking up, his arms feeling around for your body, only to find it absent. he pried open his eyes and sat up in surprise, searching the sunlit room for a trace of you through his squinting and eye rubbing. finally his sight laid upon you at his vanity mirror, his lips cracking a sloppy smile. "morning, y/n/n." he said, his voice sounding raspy, making you feel a bit weak inside [team weak supremacy bcuz we're strong everyday of the week☝🏻😭].

you returned his expression, your cheeks hurting from smiling so much around him. "hey alex." you replied quietly. although your voice already felt like it was caressing his soul, he slowly stood up from bed, stretching out and making his way over to you. he hugged you from behind, watching you fix yourself in the mirror. "any plans today?" he asked.

"yeah. i'm hanging out with my friend niki." you stated proudly. he gave you a frown. "so you don't like me anymore? you had to replace me?" he whined dramatically, fake crying in your shoulder. you playfully smacked his arm, both of you trying not to laugh loudly. it wouldn't be the first of all mornings where the two of you tried not to wake anyone up in the granite corridors.

——-                       ——-                       ——-

AFTER TENDING TO THE GARDEN, y/n headed straight out the door to niki's bakery, excited for the day ahead. them and niki agreed to have a nice picnic, wanting to spend time with each other and relax in the sunshine.

when you pulled open the door to the bakery, you skipped inside, standing in the middle of the empty dining space. "nikiii!" you called out, immediately hearing small but fast rabbit-like footsteps from the kitchen heading towards the main counter.

niki appeared in no time, a wide grin spread out on her face. she ran over to you and gave you a tight hug. the two of you laughed, both of you giddy and slightly jumpy. you can tell she was just as excited as you.

"c'mon! help me pack before we go." she took your hand in hers and led you behind the counters into the kitchen. there you spotted a half-packed picnic basket and some containers (presumably full of food) next to it still stacked. you helped niki speed up the packing process and complimented her dress all the while, unnoticed by you, she seemed to be burning up inside, turning beet red from the rush of your praise—it was almost like a drug.

within a jiffy, you were both out the door. walking to the edge of manberg where the forests framed the kingdom's borders and a place you were only a quarter-of-the-way familiar with. of course niki led the way, both of you almost tripping from eagerness.

once she found the perfect spot, she immediately dropped to the ground and motioned for you to start setting up everything. you two were currently in a small meadow with smooth, dark emerald grass, the trees surrounding the scene with vines, moss, and clustered flowers that complimented the area like it was plucked out of a painting, and the cherry on top was the perfect amount of sunlight that shone through despite being blocked by the tall trees and thick sheets of vines.

while you set the blanket down on the ground and began taking out the food to eat, you noticed how the sunlight helped make niki's features glow. you swore she could've had a halo over her head. you began to wonder if the same glow was complimenting your figure as well. it must've been as she wouldn't stop staring at you, especially when you're talking. she was scared that if she took her eyes off of you, you would evanescence, and it would be the last time she'd see such a beauty from any lingering moment going forward.

you two had a fun time, having endless conversation, exploring around the forest, letting out a lot of belly laughs, playfully chasing each other, and crafting flower crowns, placing them on each other's heads as if it was a sacred coronation for crowning royalty—at least niki viewed it that way in her head.

you carefully placed the flower crown of pink flowers on her head, her placing a flower crown of y/f/c flowers on yours. both of you stared at one another, giggling. "you look so stunning, niki." you complimented, making her blush like crazy. "y-you look absolutely beautiful as well." she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, trying to compose herself bashfully.

once the sun was at the middle of the sky, signaling noon, both of you were tuckered out. now you sat in silence, niki leaning against a tree while braiding and playing with your hair, your head in her lap, your legs sprawled out on the evergreen forest floor. niki wanted to be pinched so bad as she kept reminding herself this wasn't a dream. "you know what i think is a weird concept the universe created?" you suddenly asked, breaking the silence once in a while with deep conversations about the stars, the planets, and how life worked.

"what's that, y/n/n?" she purposefully slowed down her braiding/playing with the ends of your hair so she can listen to you better, signaling that you held her full attention. "love." you admitted. her heart began to race as if it hasn't been doing so for the past few hours.

"i just think.. it's such a misunderstood feeling. and it can be so bittersweet but also the most lovely feeling in the world... some times it's hard to tell if you're in love too, you know? it's so interesting how people can catch your eyes and just flood your brain and heart for so long."

"...yeah... i agree... but you know there's some situations where you just know you're in love. and you do anything to feel it for as long as you can." niki trailed off, staring at your face for your reaction. she only smiled as she saw you smile, gazing up at her fondly.

"ain't that the truth."

——-                       ——-                       ——-

" DID YOU HAVE FUN? " quackity asked once you arrived back at the presidential house, sitting next to him on his bed while he twiddled with the flower crown on your head that everyone has been complimenting you on. you nodded. "was the food good?" he asked once more, making you giggle. "yes it was. you've never been to nihachu's bakery?"

"no i don't think so."

"we should go some time."


——-                       ——-                       ——-

so i think we all needed a comfort chapter with niki my beloved, especially after the shit asher pulled and the things that are coming up. get ready ;)

w.c.: 1.2k+

gardener // y!dsmp x readerWhere stories live. Discover now