28. Arini is Safe

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Arini's pov

" Are you alright ? Let me check? Are you hurt anywhere?" Shrey was asking again and again. I could feel worry in his eyes for me.

I just simply nodded. I was still in shock. My heartbeats were still crazy, eyes still had tears but raindrops hide them. I felt the urge to relax in his embrace but the scenes of past few hours flashed in my mind.

But now Shrey's voice could make me forget about them easily. Shrey was still checking me if I was really okay or not. My eyes were fixed on his face. I loved how he cared for me.

Sometimes he feels so distant but sometimes his actions confuse me.

Seeing me being so silent, Shrey uttered, " Let's go to the tents. " He grabbed my hand and started walking.

But i didn't move. I didn't want to.

Shrey turned and asked, " What happened Arini? "

" You kissed her? "

Shrey looked at me for a moment. Disappointment was visible on his face. So? He really?

Warm tears came out of my eyes. I separated his hold from my hand. I saw him sighing and looking down.

But still I wanted to hear it from him. " The dare? " I asked again.

" That's why you ran like that and got lost here in the middle of night?" He sounded a little harsh this time. Why? Is it his time to be angry? As if I kissed someone?

" Don't talk to me like that " I raised my broken voice too.

" Stop crying "
How did he understand?

I wiped my eyes by the back of my hand. But they became wet again.

" You think I will kiss anyone like that? " Said he and I suddenly looked at him again.
" What do you mean? "

" You think anyone will tell me to kiss her and I'll kiss? You think I'm dumb like you? "

Hearing that my eyes showered even more water. My lips were trembling. I felt so happy and cried. Just as a sob left from my mouth, Shrey took step towards me.

Wiping my eyes he said, " Why are you crying now? I didn't kiss anyone " His voice wasn't cruel anymore.

" I.... Was so angry... at you. "

" But this act was so silly. Why did you run like this? Do you even know what was happening inside of me when I couldn't find you? " I looked at his eyes from very close. There was no lie.

" Sorry " I whispered.

" I am sorry too..... for not spending time with you here " His whisper came too.

[After reaching]

" What do you think of yourself? How can you go like that without informing anyone of us? "

" I can't understand what students think of themselves these days? We shouldn't organise any kind of trip for them "

Just as I expected, teachers were giving us lectures. I dared not to look up. But when I looked at Shrey, he didn't seem like scared. Moreover he was looking somewhere else, with so much attitude in his body language.

" Look up you both. " I flinched when sir shouted. " Look at him, what does he think of himself? " Shrey wasn't obeying them.

" Sorry sir. " I mumbled, before he could scold him anymore because of me.

" What sorry? You even know, how much worried we were? " I again looked down and regretted talking.

" Still none decided to look for her. " I heard Shrey chuckling sarcastically.

" W.. What did you say? What do you think, we could not have found her? "

Shrey only chuckled looking down, without giving him any reply. I saw mr. Khanna being angrier. " S... Sorry sir.. We really sorry... It won't be twice. " I said as soon as I could and tried to drag Shrey from there.

" But I'm not sorry for my act." Shrey told me while going back to our tents. But i shushed him. It would be a big mess if Mr. Khanna listens to him.

" Did they care to look for you? Just simply waited for next morning. Did anyone think what can happen to you? I don't think I should be sorry for finding you. " Shrey added. I was just listening to him silently. His words were filled with anger but they were giving me feeling of warmth inside my heart cause he didn't even care about teachers and ran to find me.

My lips curled into a sweet smile listening his angry rants. But it disappeared soon when I saw Maya approaching us.

" Arini where were you? Are you okay now? We were so worried for you. " She held my shoulder while saying. I wonder how much of this is true and how much of this worry is fake.

Then her eyes fall on our hands. I was holding Shrey's hand. I tried to separate our hands quickly but Shrey didn't take much time to hold it again.

Without saying anything, she looked at me. Her stare was disturbing.

" What happened? You can't walk? Why are you taking his support? " She asked in an arrogant voice.

I pressed my lips tightly feeling anger inside me. Ek toh hua sabkuch iske wajah se aur ab mujhe attitude dikha rhi

( everything happened because of her and now she's showing me attitude)

" Nhi chal pati main. Ajao godi mein lo. Logi? " I opened my arms to her and said with a smile.

( no I cannot walk. Can you hold me?)

She looked unprepared and i heard Shrey chuckling beside me.

She looked at me for a few moments and then changed her gaze to Shrey saying, " Shrey i need to talk to you. Please, can i have your time? "

"Stay away from us" With that he grabbed my hand and left the place.











Sorry if I haven't written enough good to match your expectations... Hope you enjoyed.

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