❤On Stage (Minlix)

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-Top/Dom Minho
-Bottom/sub Felix
-Not proof read
-No clue how behind stage works
-1323 Words


Felix pov

"Alright guys 30 minutes and we'll be on stage," Chan announced.

The members where excited, it was their second world tour, and their first was already all they could have asked for.

Felix smiled at Chan as the older sat down. The blond had been getting nervous during the build up to this first performance.

He was tapping his leg and his hands were shaking, Minho noticed.

"Hey Lixie, you okay?" He said sitting down on the floor next to the younger.

"Yeah, just a bit nervous, that's all," he smiled at the older. Minho gave a smile back taking hold of one of Felix's smaller hands, resting them on the younger's thigh.

Despite Felix's nerves his hand was cold, it felt so warm in Minho's hand though, he liked it, he never wanted to let go.

Minho gave his hand a squeeze and it seemed to slow Felix's racing heart a little bit. But before he knew it the older had let go of his hand and had started walking away. This made Felix panic, he wasn't ready to let go of his comfort just yet. He stood up and ran towards Minho embracing him in a back hug.

"You okay Lixie?" He chuckled.

"Don't want you to go yet," he pouted up at the older, hoping to get a reaction out of him, and he did.

Minho bent down allowing the younger to jump on his back. Felix clapped his hands excitedly and grabbed onto Minho as the older stood up again, running around slowly.

He started speeding up, dodging people left and right, until he ran right into Chan. No one got hurt but Chan did bump his head a bit.

"Jeeze guys watch were you're going," he said as his hand went to his head.

The younger two got scared and quickly started apologizing.

"It's fine," he chuckled, "just go do that stuff somewhere else so you don't hurt anyone."

"Yes Chan hyung"

"S-sorry Channie hyung"

Minho quickly ran off, Felix still on his back giggling.

He ran out of the room and around the maze of hallways, eventually coming to an empty room, well, almost empty. It had a few couches and tables. Whatever room it was they didn't really care.

Felix quickly riggled his way off of Minho's back. "Tag!" He shouted, running off to the other side if the room.

The room was pretty spacious. Apart form the couches and tables, it had a small kitchen around the corner, and a small bathroom.

An evil smile made it's way onto Minho's face, and he started taking slow steps towards the blond. Felix moved back and forth on the other side of the couch not knowing where to go. He decided his best option was to run back into the kitchen and try and escape him from there.

Oneshots: Lee Felix // ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now