Metal Cowboy: Scrap

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Written by Matthew Sinn/A.K.A Sinbad the Mountain

Metal Cowboy/Spark Town

I was in Western Texas, 1877. Who landed and was travelling by mechanical horse. Towards a small town ahead. Where Dark Space was supposedly scene. Who rode in there and could see nobody was here. Which was pretty strange. An made me ask myself. "Where is everyone"? Which was a great question. When a whole bunch of armed robots dress like western outlaws popped out of cover. Who then began firing away. With me quickly taking cover behind a nearby right corner. Before shooting back. An realize I've foolishly walked into a trap. 


Metal Cowboy/Metal Gang

Shooting back with my pistols. I manage to takeout four of them. Before seeing a pair of snipers high above. Causing me to quickly flee into the nearby General Store. Where glass was quickly shattered an armor-piercing bullets flying. As I kept shooting an took more of them out. Before grabbed a dropped rifle and fired it. Taking out both snipers. Before going back outside an cleared out the rest. Who now stepped outside. With me now shouting in anger. "Dark Space"! "Show yourself"! With me quickly spotting this unknown man stepping out of the saloon close by. Who faced me and spoke. "Glad you made it". "Metal Cowboy". "So I can break you". 


Metal Cowboy/Most Wanted

Facing the stranger standing at 5'6, dress within western clothing, possibly in his 30's and wielding a rifle within his hands. With me speaking. "Who are you"? He spoke. "Why". "I'm Andy Wrecker". I couldn't believe this. For he was a infamous outlaw. Who's robbed multiple towns in the north. Along with two trains and many stage coaches. With me asking him. "Tell me". "Did Dark Space". "Send you to kill me"? He reply. "He sure did partner". Who then spoke. "Now die". As he quickly tried to shoot me. But I manage to dodge and fired away. With me suddenly seeing my bullets turn to rust before dropping straight onto the ground. Who was shock as he quickly moved close an touched my left hand. Sending a pain into my body. 


Metal Cowboy/Touch of Rust

Standing only a few steps back. I could this large amount of rust formed on my hand an spoke in anger. "What did you do"?! He answered my question. "I just used". "My wonderful powers". "Which earn me the nickname". "Lord of Rust". Feeling angry I kept trying to shoot him. Only to see the same thing happen to my bullets again. As he quickly began firing once more. With me dodging an taking cover. Inside the barbershop. Who heard him speak. "Run all you want". "But know this". "Unless I touch you again". "The rust will spread". "Until it covers". "Your whole body an fall apart". Deeply alarmed by this. I quickly reloaded and went straight after him.   


Metal Cowboy/Hide an Shoot

Chasing after him. I saw him duck into the saloon. As more robot outlaws showed up and began shooting at me. Who ducked behind a nearby left corner before firing away. Taking out the armed machines before going into the saloon. Where even more robot outlaws began firing at me. Who dodge an also fired. Taking out many of them before hearing something outside. Causing me to hurry back there. An quickly saw him taking off on his horse. With me quickly calling for mine. Who then saddled up and rode after him at once. 

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