No one knows I'm rich

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Hey you guys, I'm Carli ! Please vote and follow and you will have a lucky day sometime this week!

Growing up, I was an only child. My parents were extremely rich and I had everything. Even if I was rich, I'd always thought of myself as completely normal. And, That's how I'd wanted to be treated. But, I guess other people felt different. When I was in middle school, I had a bunch of friends because, well, they knew how rich I was. But I thought at the time that they just wanted to be my friend, I was a naive little kid. Whenever we'd hang out they'd always make excuses about forgetting their wallets and I'd ended up paying. That's what good friends do right? But that sort of started to get out of hand, they'd order whatever they'd like and I'd be left with a 2,000 dollar check. Once I was so fed up, that when we'd gone to the restaurant, I acted like I'd forgotten my wallet. "Guys, I forgot my wallet, can someone else please pay this time?" I'd asked and turns out, no one else had gotten it. "Can't you go back home and get it?" Natalie, one of my 'friends' said. "My house is way too far away, your guys' houses are so much closer, why don't we all go get your money, I mean it's fair right? I always pay!"

She seemed really annoyed, "Well I'm not rich like you okay? So how do I pay!!!"

Now I felt angry, "So you only care about my money?"

A part of me was hoping, waiting for her to say something like "No, Carli, I just want to hang out with you, but I just can't pay."

But she didn't, instead she said, "Duh! That's literally the only reason you have friends, In this world money is everything!"

I ran home in tears and cried my heart out to my parents. Them being understanding, sent me to a different school. And this time, I decided I wasn't going to take my chances.

I was going to look poor and act poor. I added dark blue eye contacts and put on a black wig, I dressed into baggy cheap clothes an dirty shoes. I looked...




When I walked in, I actually realized there were many other people than me who were wearing baggy clothing. It was kind of hard to make friends when I wasn't rich, but all I was looking for was someone who wanted to be friends with me, not because of my money.

At lunch I saw this girl sitting alone at the corner of the cafe. "Hi, my name is Car-" Oh shoot I almost let out my secret. Okay, calm down Carli, "I'm Carmen. Can I sit here?" She smiled, "I'm Alice. Are you sure you want to sit hear, everyone knows I'm poor so they stay away, and they act like I'll get them sick." 

I said, "That's okay, I get you. I'm poor too." Alice and I hit it of instantly, and I realized, I didn't have to wear this wig anymore. I already had a friend and now I know if anyone else wanted to be my friend, I should reject them because I was basically invisible to them. 

I called Alice to our favorite coffee shop, and confessed to her pulling off my wig and told her. She didn't mind though and we became really close. So this proves, while money might be important, it isn't EVERYTHING.

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