𝟕. dress shopping

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TODAY WAS THE day Vienna had to go dress shopping for her mothers wedding. She didn't want to ruin her and Vincent's date so she decided to bring someone else.

She pulled out her phone to text him.


Pretty girl🫶
Do you wanna come dress
shopping with me?

I hate shopping

Pretty girl🫶
No u dont
Fine i'll just go ask COLTON

... um NO
I never said I wasn't going to come

Pretty girl🫶
So will you come :( please

On my way!

Vienna smiled, putting her phone down and getting ready to go dress shopping. When she was curling her hair, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Vienna yelled and Nelson walked into the room. He was on live and then wrapped his arms around her waist, shoving the phone in her face to show everyone he was at her house.

"I'm with Vee!" He yelled and then Vienna took his phone to put it against the wall on the counter. Nelson still had his arms wrapped around her, leaning his head on her shoulder.

"You're going to get burnt by my curling iron." She said, putting it down. Nelson looked at her and peppered kisses all over her face.

He pinches her cheeks and smiles, "Look how beautiful she looks guys."

Vienna smiled and shook her head, he got off of her so she could curl her hair. She played frank ocean in the bathroom, Nelson read some of the comments on the live.

user6 who said i love you first?

"Vienna said I love you first." Nelson answers and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. He noticed her expression, turning his head to look at her. "You did."

"No I didn't, you said it first." She responded, wrapping hair around the curling wand.

"I did?!" He exclaimed, his voice echoing in the bathroom. Vienna nodded her head. "I think that's a lie ya'll."

"It's literally not." She mumbled, curling the last strand of hair. Nelson side eyes her before going back to read the comments.

niennafp is nelson's hands bigger?
zion yes it is

"Yeah my hands are bigger. You know what else is bigger?" He smirked, slowly turning his head to give Vienna a look. She glared at him, kicking his leg. "Ow!"

hearts4vienna vienna is so pretty omg

"I know she is, tell me something I don't know." Nelson said, reading the comments about how pretty Vienna is. "Thank you for the galaxy, kenzie. Let me follow you back."

There was a comment asking if Vienna was okay with him following back fans that are girls. He looked over his shoulder, mumbling her name.


"Are you okay with me following back fans that are girls?" He asked her and Vienna shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, as long as they don't try anything and you don't go along with it." She eyed him and Nelson laugh. "I know he won't do anything."

Vienna was putting away her curling iron and then Nelson grabbed his phone. "Are you done?" He asked her and she nodded her head.

"Alright guys, we're going to the mall now. See ya." He puts his hand up in a wave before ending the live.

"Have fun you two. Text me when you're done and I'll come pick you up." Valorie said, Vienna nodded her head and they start walking inside the shop full of wedding dresses.

Their hands were intertwined and the lady smiled. "Vienna Anderson! Your mom called to let me know you're coming."

"Of course she did." She smiled, chuckling and the lady gave her a small hug. "Did she tell you what dresses she would prefer?"

"Yeah, she said like a pale blue?"

"Cool." She nodded her head and Nelson sat down. The lady went to a rack full of pale blue dresses for her to try on.

"Are you the boyfriend? What name did she say? Nelson?" The lady asks, pulling out the first five dresses for Vienna to try on. "In the change room sweetie. Your mom said you can choose whatever dress."

Her head turned around to face Nelson again, he smiled at her politely. "Yeah, I'm Vienna's boyfriend."

"Aw awesome! I've known Vienna for quite a while, since she was a baby." Nelson nodded his head, not knowing what to say.

Vienna tried the first dress on, stepping out of the room. The lady and Nelson stared at her, shaking their heads. She did a thumbs up, stepping back into the change room and changed into the 2nd dress.

After trying on at least 10 dresses, Vienna decided to go for the most plain one ever. She didn't wanna out-show her mom.

"You're going to look perfect, sweetheart." Vienna looked at herself in the mirror, smiling.

"You happy with your choice of dress?" Nelson asked her, rubbing his thumb on her hand. They were now in the car, Valorie drove them back home.

"Yeah, I am." She responded, looking over to him. "Can't wait to see you all glammed up."

Nelson rolled his eyes, slightly shaking his head. "You're going to look so handsome!" Vienna added, laying her head on his shoulder.

He smiled, laying his head down on hers. "And you're going to look gorgeous."


Liked by vanderson4, camwilderr and 45,256 othersrweofficial who's excited to see her in action?🙋‍♂️view all 2,434 comments

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Liked by vanderson4, camwilderr and 45,256 others
rweofficial who's excited to see her in action?🙋‍♂️
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camwilderr I AM! I AM!!!

vanderson4 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️

nelsonneumann2028 shes going to fry everyone

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roan speaks!
i changed vienna's faceclaim
and number!

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