"Better Than Revenge"

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I see them together every day and I can't help but remember it all. The glaring summer sun, the beautifully romantic dates on the beach, the fun. It was perfect. It felt like true love, but I couldn't have been more wrong.
I smile grimly to myself as I walk past them making out in the school corridor. Ugh. Her dress would look so nice on anyone else but on her it just looks..wrong. It doesn't suit her nature. The dress flows beautifully from her waist and gracefully brushes the ground by her delicately heeled boots. It's a dignified outfit, except for the fact that every single male member of our high school has seen what's under it. My eyes automatically roll thinking of the way she's blatantly using him and the way he's so stupidly believing everything she tells him.
As I'm putting my books into my locker, they walk past me, him with his arm around her waist acting like he's won the lottery and her batting her eyelashes at every guy she walks past, flicking her hips as she struts past.
I still can't believe that after only one night with her, I'd lost him. She definitely underestimated me though.
Two months on, and I'm still looking for revenge. The screen of my phone makes the inside of my locker glow as I search for the picture I'd resisted posting for so long; it'd ruin her social life. Shaking my head mentally, I hit the home button, lock it and cram it into my pocket, ignoring every thought screaming at me to post it.
First class is English which was my favourite lesson until they started dating. I walk in on the bell and sit in my usual seat at the back. They stroll in late and sit in front of me. Every now and then, she turns to smile sweetly at me as I mentally recite poetry whilst returning the smile. As the bell signifies the end of the lesson, she stands as I do and we make eye contact. I see her take in my jeans and band t-shirt as she rolls her eyes and makes a face like someone just force fed her a lemon. That's when I decide to do it.
As I leave school, I hit 'upload' and prepare for life to change.

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