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The room spins a bit, his eyes are settled on the intertwined hands.

"Look, I like this one," Pavel says as he points to the screen. Dome smiles, nods along to everything Pavel says, and laughs at the funny jokes.

Ben sits on the ground, a beer in his hand, he tries to suppress the vomit coming, but his eyes start to get blurry as he watches Dome and Pavel.

The way they are around each other says a lot, they share smitten smiles and blush every time they their fingers touch.

"They're still in the honeymoon phase," Earth says as he takes a seat next to him, he gives Ben a sad smile.

"Are you Alright?" He asks his friend. He knows how badly Ben must be hurting.

Ben is hurting, he had tried to suppress his feelings for such a long time. At first, he thought he just admired the boy, that the warm feeling he got whenever his eyes landed on Pavel was just admiration for the other.

Pavel was an amazing person, anyone would be lucky to have him, lucky to even be friends.

Ben liked talking to his friend, so he thought that whatever he was feeling was just a damn phase.

He talked to Earth and Earth had tried to make sure Ben understood what he felt, the feeling he was having could only be described by love, no more.

"I'm fine"

He isn't fine, he feels like his world is spinning at a very fast pace and he has nothing to hold on to. His sight becomes blurry from all of the tears he holds in, Ben wants to disappear.

It's jealousy.

He can't hide it anymore, watching Pavel be friendly and in love with someone else is torture. He hates it.

"Do you want to go home?" Earth asks.

Ben looks at him and nods "please"

Earth feels sad for his friend, no one should experience this type of pain. He looks over at Pavel who seems oblivious to the pain he is causing.

"We have to go," Earth stands up and helps Ben so the same.

Pavel gives him a pout. "But guys!" He wines.

"Ben is drunk, I should take him home" Earth tries to reason.

Pavel looks at Ben and laughs "you lightweight!" He stands up and pats Ben's hair, then he leans in.

"isn't he great? Ben, I think I love him!" His voice is full of excitement, he bounces a bit on his feet.

Ben smiles "he sure is," his eyes start to tear up again and Pavel frowns.

"Hey are you okay? Do you feel sick?" He puts a hand on Ben's forehead, Ben want to cry, to declare his love there and then, but he won't.

"I'll see you tomorrow" Ben walks off leaving a confused Pavel behind.

Pavel looks at Earth, the younger smiles "he's had a bunch of papers due, p' is just tired" he hopes his lie works.

"Ah, please take care of him" Pavel is dumb.

Earth wants to shake him and tell him to open his eyes. Instead he just nods and he looks at Dome and says "nice to meet you P'Dome" then he walks out.

Pavel scratches his head then goes back to sitting next to Dome. The boy smiles "they seem nice, I like them" he states.

Pavel nods "we've been friends since middle school, it's why I wanted you to meet them"

"Ah, are they dating?" Dome asks, he sips his beer.

"Ben and Earth?" Pavel asks, Done nods.

Pavel hums, now that he thinks about it, maybe. Those two have gotten really close, could they?

"They'd make a cute couple"

"They would" Pavel says with a big smile. Then giggles at the thought of both his best friends dating.

"Don't cry" Earth looks at Ben with sad eyes.

Ben sits on his bed and just lays there crying his heart out.

"Why did I have to fall in love with him?" His voice is broken "why Earth?!" He cries harder.

Earth bites his lip "well, you're kinda dumb" Ben glares at him trough the tears "I said kinda" Earth whispers.

The small boy takes the taller one into his arms. He let's Ben cry for as long as he needs, patting his back softly.

"It's going to be okay" he whispers.

Earth closes his eyes and let's out a small sigh. He starts to think how funny the world is. Insanely ironic, the boy he loves is crying in his arms for another person.

But that's just how it is.

Sometimes life works in weird ways. Earth just hopes that his words are true.

That in the end everything will be okay. That maybe in the end, Ben will get Pavel, so he will forget Ben.

Because Earth doesn't care if Ben isn't his, all he wants is for the boy to be happy and if that means Earth has to deal with the pain of being away......then he will do it.

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