Chapter 15

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"Where am I?"

Harper's brain feels muddled and unfocused; it is like a series of alarms are going off, but she doesn't understand what they are supposed to signal. And unfortunately her surroundings offer no clues to this mystery.

All that she can tell is that she is in the middle of a dark corridor lined by several torches. Black marble covers the floor and walls, and the reflection of the torches on the stone gives the illusion that there is no end to the hallway. The stone and the emptiness of the hallway should make it so that every sound echoes throughout the space, but the only sound that Harper can hear is her own breath.

As she moves forward in the space, the hair on the back of her neck begins to rise as her skin begins to crawl. Although she can't see anyone, Harper can't get rid of the feeling of someone watching her. Soon the sound of whispers reach her ears but her eyes still cannot catch a glimpse of the observers.

Finally she reaches the door at the end of the corridor. Standing in front of her is an enormous door that looks like it belongs in an old cathedral instead of a random hallway. Made from a wood so dark it looks black, the door reaches up at least twelve feet and is several inches thick. Decorating the wood is a series of ironwork and carvings depicting people in various states of pain and agony. The one with a person clawing out their eyes sends shivers running down her spine.

As she approaches the door, Harper hears the click of a lock unlatching and a creaking sound fills the space as the door cracks open. She reaches out to push it open further when a hand wraps around her wrist and brings her to a halt.

"Not yet, my queen," Alistar whispers from behind her, his breath warm against her ear. "It is not yet time. But soon," he croons as his other hand comes up to caress her cheek.

"Harper, wake up!"

The demon pulls her face towards her, letting their breaths mingle.

"Come on, open your eyes! You're really scaring me."

Her eyes fall shut as his lips approach hers.

"I'm serious, minstrel."


"It is just a dream. So please, just wake up."

....just a dream.

As Alistar's hand shifts from her hand to her waist and pulls her body tightly against his, one thought flies through her head:

Please let me go.

As she opens her eyes, they begin to fill with tears as she is greeted by the view of her stucco ceiling. Part of her thought that she'd never get to take in that sight again. Shifting her gaze to the left adds a glassy-eyed Misha to the picture. His hair is a mess, his eyes are bloodshot, his shirt is rumpled, his skin didn't have its usual glow, and she is almost certain that he has a couple gray hairs that weren't there earlier.

And yet, the fact that he is here for her right now makes him one of the most hottest people she's ever seen.

"Hey you," she rasps out, causing the dragon to jump a little. His eyes widen as they catch sight of her opened eyes.

"Hey," Misha whispers as his hand seeks out hers and gives it a tight squeeze. "You're awake."

"Thanks to you. I could hear you yelling at me in my dream."

"Heh," Misha chuckles. "It wasn't yelling. Just strong encouragement."

"If you say so," she says with a soft chuckle, which she regrets immediately as it sends a bolt of lightning shooting through her skull. Harper lets out a soft moan as she brings her free arm up to block out any light in the room.

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