➵ part one: caught

298 5 41

words: 750
personally i'm a very big fan of the picture ^
(ik it's short the chapters might get longer 🤷‍♀️)
i wrote this chapter at 3am 😍
also it might be a bit angsty but dw it won't last very long babygirl xiao will be okay 🤞🤞🤞
ok enjoy 🗣️

You pushed the bathroom window open as far as it would go. Your friends had set up a blind date between you and some mystery man who, according to them, was exactly your type.

The reason you're leaving through the bathroom window? Your parents hired an overprotective bodyguard who you're not allowed to leave the house without. All because of some stalker. You were not about to have a bodyguard ruin a date with someone who could potentially be the man of your dreams. Not gonna happen. Been single for way too fucking long for that shi-

"You forgot to lock the door".

Fucking prick has to ruin everything.

"Xiao, respectfully, I could have been doing a wee and you could've walked in on me and it wouldn't have ended very well." you argued as your bodyguard stood there, unfazed.

"Miss y/n, respectfully, I have ears. If you were urinating, the toilet spray bottle across the bathroom wouldn't have fallen over. The window isn't exactly quiet either." Xiao responded, his amber eyes never leaving yours. "If you have a problem with me accompanying you outside, it would be smarter to talk to your parents about it. It would save us both from a lot of trouble."

Xiao was only 2 years older than you. He was attractive- a jawline so sharp it looked as if it could cut through anything, thick, fluffy hair, luscious eyelashes that girls could only dream of...

But boy was he fucking annoying.

"Listen- just this once, can we tell my parents you're with me, and i'll leave, and you can stay here and have a well deserved rest? You've been working so hard, a nice break would be veeeery refreshing. That stalker is long gone. I won't be alone either way.. It's a win-win."

Xiao hesitated. After all, he hadn't really had any proper rest in a few days, surviving off of a mere 4 hours of sleep each night to ensure your safety.


There goes your potential future husband. You sent a quick message to your friends, explaining that you weren't able to come because your bodyguard had caught you. "Arsehole" you muttered under your breath as you left the bathroom, glancing back behind you.

He had heard you. Despite trying his best to maintain his professional expression, his brows were furrowed and a slight hurt could be seen in his eyes which were directed at the floor.


"It's okay, miss y/n. You have every right to be angry. I've stripped you of your privacy. I'm sorry, I really am, but I'm just doing my job. I can have a word with your parents if you like. They wouldn't appreciate our dishonesty. I'll still be keeping an eye on you, but I'll try to give you some space nonetheless."

A lump formed in your throat as he turned and walked away. It hurt to do something you always looked down on other people for doing; disrespecting someone while they were just trying to do their job.

Ok, we can fix this, you thought to yourself as you paced up and down the hallway. You never really cared much for Xiao, he was kind of just there, but now that you'd hurt him, you were filled with a kind of guilt you've never felt before. Maybe his presence had grown on you? No way, one day he'll walk in on me peeing. He just looks like a sad puppy when he's upset. That's why i feel so guilty.

You checked your phone. Your friends had responded, saying how upset they were because it was a perfect match, and that one of them had to go on the date instead. Great. Now I've really missed the opportunity. It was nearly 7pm- you could make him some dinner as an apology.

Xiao was already looking at you as you walked into the kitchen, as if he knew you were coming. He closed his laptop as you took a seat opposite him.

"Xiao I-"

"Miss y/n, we went over this. It's okay, you don't need to apologise..."

"Listen, how about I cook us some dinner and we can get to know each other or something. Maybe then I'll be more willing to leave the house with you." obviously you wouldn't bring him with you on a date, but if you befriended him it might make it easier to escape next time. "How does pasta sound?"

"Pasta... would be nice."

☆彡彡 ORION ミミ☆ - Xiao x reader (modern au) Where stories live. Discover now