Chapter 1: For Breakers' Sake

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Raelle's POV

"Raelle, I don't like this."

"Mother, for Breakers' sake, you don't have to like it. It is not my choice, and the people of Bredset need me. They had a huge outbreak of Tantra and they are running short on Healing Mages as it is," I replied, careful not to let my frustration of the conversation show.

My mother has been worried all evening, insisting there has been a mistake. "I just don't see why it has to be you. Of all the Healing Mages in the city, why you?"

It's not the first time my mother's love for her children has interfered with my travels. And it won't be the last. I was gone for a month last time, and Tantra is difficult to cure and even harder to prevent. She's right to be worried, and I know it's all because she cares, but she knew this would happen when I found my affinity for healing magic.

"Mother, I've dealt with Tantra before, and I'm one of the most accomplished Healing Mages around. I was personally requested by one of the Archmages of Bredset because of this, and I will not ignore a summons from one of them." I've seen what happens when the Archmages are ignored, and I will never let that be my fate. "Besides, I have immunity to Tantra and they can't keep risking their own healers when there's a potential for them getting sick. That will leave Bredset in disrepair. I promise I'll come back. I always have, haven't I?"

My mother sighed and finally resigned herself to relent, "Fine. I understand. I just don't like you being away from me all the time. Your brothers and sisters are always around on the farm, and I have to constantly worry about you. I am so incredibly proud of you for being an amazing healer and an even better daughter, I just don't like that you have to travel so often."

I could see my mother holding back tears. She really is incredible, and I was fortunate to get one of the few Nature Mages that doesn't resent her children as my mother. Most Nature Mages have too many kids that they can hardly afford, but the Breakers did not give them much of a choice in the matter. Astryn, my mother, however, loves me and my five siblings dearly, and she always makes sure we know it. The Breakers cannot control our emotions, but they can interfere if they become dangerous, and force us to separate ourselves from distractions if they have to.

"I know, Mother, I know. I'll be back before you know it. If I can take some time away from the clinic upon my return, I will come visit the farm for a few days. I will put in a request with one of our Archmages before I depart." Content with my answer, my mother gave me a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek and left. 

With that, I continued my work in the clinic office, making sure all patient paperwork was prepared so my fellow healers didn't have to worry about anything while I was gone. My mother came by with a basket of fresh bread and cheese for me to take home with me, and stayed long enough for me to tell her about my summons. I wasn't particularly happy about the arrangement. I'd just recently returned from Andovell, and already had to leave again.

After another hour had passed, I put down my quill and closed up my ink bottle, ready to return home. My home was a short walk from the clinic, right in the heart of the Middle District of Strathe. I am not wealthy by any means, mainly because most of my extra coin goes to my mother to take care of my siblings. I am the oldest of six, and the only one of us to have a different affinity. I grew up on the farm, but by the age of fifteen, when my affinity first presented itself, I was working in clinics across Elestria honing as many skills as I could.

The Middle District of Strathe was mostly peaceful. It was mainly occupied by Healing Mages and Alchemists. The vast majority of clinics and apothecaries resided there, and was the smallest of all the districts. 

When I finally got home and changed out of my work robes and into a fresh sleeping gown, I started to dig into the assortment of breads, cheeses, and fruits. My mother knew my favorites, and was granted permission by the Archmages of Strathe to come into the city for a visit once a week. Its not common that children have different affinities than their parents, but my mother was eager to find any way possible to keep me close.

I had my fill, and prepared myself for sleep. I often get lonely here in my home all alone, so I tend to spend as many hours as possible at the clinic. I love what I do. Making people feel better, finding cures for diseases and ailments that the people of Elestria have to face. I especially love healing children. The smile on their face when I take their pain away keeps me going. 

For whatever reason, the Archmages have yet to find me my match, my perfect counter. Usually magicals are paired up at the age of eighteen, but I am twenty-three and have yet to receive a letter about my match. All magicals at Battlemage level and below do not get to choose who they start a family with. We can fall in love, sure, but the Breakers have assigned perfect pairs to keep the balance as much as possible. I have started to think maybe they never found mine and I will never get a family of my own.

I finally fell into a restless sleep, dreaming of some of my more complicated patients that I couldn't save. This was common for me, having nightmares about all the citizens I've lost during my time at the clinic. 

After about three hours of this, I was startled awake by a knock at my door. Fear instantly gripped me. I've never had visitors, let alone in the middle of the night. Crime isn't common in the Middle District, but I was still on guard. I made sure to grab the dagger that I keep on my bedside table before getting up to answer the door. Thankfully, my father made sure I had some self defense training before I moved to the city because he knew I would be alone.

I steeled myself once I got close enough to the door and finally spoke, careful to keep my voice as level as possible. "Who's there?"

"Raelle, I need to speak with you for a moment," the person on the other side of the door replied. It was a woman's voice. She sounded sincere enough, but one could never be too careful. "I promise I mean you no harm. I was sent by the Archmages."

Still on guard, I opened the door, keeping a good grip on my dagger in case I needed to defend myself quickly. I was no match for someone with any formal combat training, but I would damn well go out fighting.

Standing before me was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever seen. It was clear that she was a part of higher society because she wore an intricate gown that looked like it was made of gold. Her deep auburn hair was styled into a perfect braid, and she had the kind of smile on her face that was sure to calm you, even if she didn't mean to. Her eyes were a muted shade of green and lit up along with her smile, making her face exude happiness and warmth. 

My demeanor instantly shifted. I loosened my grip on my dagger and opened the door wide enough for her to step through. "Of course, come on in. I apologize for my apprehension. I don't often get visitors. Especially this late into the night."

"Oh, my dear, there is no need to apologize. I completely understand. My name is Daithine, and I work directly with Archmage Oswyn as his messenger," the woman stated.

At this point I was thoroughly confused. Had I done something wrong? Are they canceling my journey to Bredset? Is someone I care about hurt?

The confusion and worry must have been evident on my face because Daithine smiled warmly at me and continued, "Raelle, you are not in any trouble. I come bearing good news, but it is best if we sit down as this might be a long chat."

I led Daithine to my sitting area so we could get situated. "Would you like some tea? I can put a kettle on. Or I have some bread and cheese that my mother sent if you're hungry."

"That's quite alright, I ate just a short while ago and I am not particularly thirsty. Thank you for being a gracious host," Daithine replied. "Before we begin, I would like to congratulate you on your successes in your magic class. The people of Strathe adore you. And everyone in the Gold District is appreciative of your abilities."

"Oh. Um, thank you, but I don't need the thanks. I love healing people, and making them feel better. There is no greater joy to me, besides my family," I said, elated. "Now, what is it that you need to tell me?"

"Well, my dear, this may come as a surprise. The Archmages have been keeping a close eye on you and they are impressed. You have been selected to become an Archmage. The youngest in the history of our city."

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