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Kazuha POV:


I quickly ran up the second set of stairs in the school building. As normal, I was late for class. My dress shoes, which were part of the uniform, loudly clacked on the steps as I climbed up.

My second period was on the third floor, room #324. Though, I still struggle to find what hallway it's in, even with the signs that have a small print of letters and numbers, "ROOMS #321-#335."

I walk into the dim classroom, which the only light source are the barely working light bulbs and the open windows. Thankfully, I'm only a minute late. Of course, a minute late is still late..

"This is your 5th tardy this semester, Mr. Keadehara." The teacher says, his voice monotone. My math teacher's the kind of teacher you'd find having sex with another teacher, and have that to prove every students rumors true. The worse part is, not to be rude... but he's not very attractive. "...that means detention.." He continues, his voice ragged and raspy.

"Huh?" I zoned out again. It's annoying to do that, but sometimes I get lost in thought. I heard that last part, so I'm guessing I have after school detention.. dammit. I look around the classroom for an empty seat, and find one next to a kid with.. purple hair..? While yes, for some reason dying your hair at this school popular among the students, I've yet to see anyone with purple hair, let alone it be so.. natural looking.

Ah, wait.. this is the kid I walked around the school with. Scaramouche, I think? He has a good facial structure, and his eyes are in just the right distance from each other. The red eyeliner underneath his eye makes his matching purple irises pop even more. His hands are long and skinny, and he has a pretty feminine body, though not to the point where's unattractive for a guy to have. Wouldn't be surprised if he had secret admirers by now.

I walk to the empty desk, pulling the chair out so I can sit down. I smile at Scaramouche as I sit down. He looks the other way at my smile, but doesn't seem annoyed.

"If you need any notes, I can give you mine." I offer, smiling once again at him. If I'm going to sit by him today, I might as well be his friend. It's probably hard for him to transfer schools mid-semester.

"No thanks." He says bluntly, his tone flat. It's the type of voice a parent would use when they're telling their child something that's not up for negotiation. Though, his voice is much softer than that, it's light but croaky at the same time. It's a little attractive.

"Ah..." I sighed, closing my eyes for a slight moment before opening them again, still smiling at Scaramouche.

He turned away, looking back at his notebook. I started fidgeting with my fingers, even just that encounter with him was nerve racking.

Class started, and the room went silent as we listen to the Teacher's lecture.

Throughout the class, I noticed a few people stealing wary glances at Scaramouche. It was odd, but I payed no mind to it. Scaramouche was pretty intimidating, or rather, his aura was.. it was like he had this unseen presence that made him an uneasy sight to look at.

Second period ended quicker than it began, unexpectedly. Although, it was a boring as any other day.

The bell rang, and people hurried quickly to get to their third period.

And after that, lunch.

The bell rang for lunch after third period, and I dashed to get to the lunch room.

Since I was the only one of my friends who was on the first floor before lunch, it was supposedly my job to save the seats for them.

Sitting at the table in the very back, I brushed my hair out of my face. My friends would be here sooner or later, I guess. I tapped my fingers in a repeated pattern, the sound being washed out by the chatter of the cafeteria. I hate loud noises.

I was awaken from my trance when I saw figure plopped down next to me.

"Hey Kazuha!~" Of course, it was Heizou.

"Hi Heizou.." I said, my voice sounding distinctly less energetic than his. "Did you see any of the others on the way here..?" I said, plopping my head into my shoulders, my cheeks squished against my arms.

"No.. I don't think anyone's here today.. ugh.." Heizou groaned in dissatisfaction, taking a bite out an apple. Wait, how did he get an apple..?

"I wonder why is that.." I said, taking Heizou's hair and playing with it drowsily. His red hair twisted and shifted in between my fingers.

"Ah, I don't know about Venti, but I know Xiao is sick.. also, I think the Traveler is eating with other people today." He says, seeming unaffected with the way I'm turning and curling his hair. It's kind of weird, how me and Heizou are so comfortable doing things people would describe as something lovers would do, but we're not dating.

"Huh.." I said, looking off into the distance. Even though my vision was blurry and unfocused, a certain figure caught my eye.

Scaramouche, seeming as if he had no idea on where to sit. I could see a person beckoning for him to come sit with them, but Scaramouche simply turned away from them.

Weird, I wonder if Scaramouche knew these people. I don't want Scaramouche to sit alone, that's rough for a new student..

I sat up abruptly, taking my fingers away gently from Heizou's hair. "I'll be back." I excused myself, quickly heading to where Scaramouche was fixed.

Scaramouche scooted away a bit when he noticed me coming, but I went up to him anyways. "Ah, Scaramouche, would you like to sit with me..?" I offered, though I was unsure of what I should even be saying to him.

To be honest, he seemed unsure, but he nodded and followed me. I felt a little guilty for some reason, but quickly shook it off as I neared the table.


Sorry for the shorter chapter- and for the long wait of this chapter. I've been struggling recently, so haven't got to doing anything productive. Of course, this is no excuse, and I hope I can get the next chapter out quicker.

(I had Kazuha's friends as the people from Inazuma, but I decided to change it to the anemo boys.)

Words: 1034

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