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As I rounded the corner to enter the alley the nauseating smell of rat droppings and
fumes from the nearby factories made regret choosing this place to meet.I was wearing my usual blue T-shirt and blue shorts with some blue sneakers and my blue watch and as you have probably already figured out I love the colour blue. I approached my brother hoping for good news, but as usual I was wrong. My brother about nine years old if I'm correct. I know what you might be saying
"What kind of older brother forgets his younger brothers age" but when your constantly trying to keep him safe from some people who want cut you open and study what's in your brain, remembering your brother's age seems like the least of your problems. He was about five feet tall had the same lightly tanned skin like I have, the same nappy black hair and he had deep blue eyes like mine. He was wearing a white T-shirt that read: I'm Feeling estatic! He wore a black watch and a pair of black jeans and some white sneakers.
"They're still after us" my younger brother called out as I neared him.
"They found our safe house in New Mexico and I think they're close "he finished nervously.
"Joey" I said to my little brother "you worry too much we will be alright" I told him trying to sound reassuring.
By the way, my name is Jack and me and my brother Joey we're taken away from our parents at a really young age by the same people were running from. We got out of their van when they were taking us and ran away before they noticed(Thank god for stoplights)and we've been on the run ever since. Why are they chasing us you ask, it's because we are different from other people. I have the power to project anything I've seen before through my hand and my brother has the power to control anything that has electricity flowing through it's veins,but he's still learning. I felt a shiver run down my spine, something was wrong, I could sense it,but I didn't know what.
"Let's keep moving" I said nervously but as soon as I said it two extremely bright lights come on at the mouth of the alley.
"JOEY SHUT THOSE OFF" I screamed to my younger brother.
"That's weird"Joey said as he out stretched his hands towards the light but nothing happened .
"What's wrong "I asked trying to cover my eyes from the blinding light.
"I can't sense any electricity"he replied.
"You sure" I asked again with as quizzical look on my face.
"Yup"he concluded
"THEN RUN" I shouted as we took to our heels and I scrambled off down the alley. As we ran down the alley I realized we had passed some air conditioners and realize I could make Joey blow them up as a diversion.
"Joey blow out those air conditioners"I shouted back to my younger brother.
He thrust his arms upward and squeezed them shut and a jaw rattling 'BOOOM' rippled through the alley. I heard some men shout out and dove between two dumpsters and pulled my brother down too and projected a picture of me and my brother continuing to run down the alley. When the dust cleared I saw a couple guys in expensive suits run past after the picture.
"Yes they took the bait" I whispered to myself and pulled my brother and we ran in the other direction.
"Hey get back here" I heard an angry voice shout from behind us and my brother and I ran even faster. I looked back to see if my brother was keeping up but as soon as he looked up he got a scared look and stopped almost instantly. I was about to ask what was wrong when I hit up in a wall. Well it wasn't a wall, but it felt like it. I got up as soon as I fell down and looked before me. Standing in front of me was a tall stocky guy who was wearing a black suit a pure black tie a pair of black loafers and as dark as the place was, a pair of sun glasses. I turned to run back the other way but the other guys had retuned.
"You have no idea what your dealing with" I screamed at the guys both in font and behind me and the sound of Joey crying behind me made my eyes red with anger.
"I think we understand the situation far better than you do young Jack" said a buff guy as he materialized from behind the stocky guy. He was pretty tall, not as tall as the other guy but tall. He was wearing a yellow T-shirt that said: ARGONAUTS RULE!, a pair of grey jeans and some grey sneakers. He looked like he was in his forties with his dark brown eyes and completely bald head and a pure grey Hitler moustache.
"How do you know my name"I asked as soon as I hearted my name.
"I know a lot more about you than you think" he said knowingly " Jack Fiddlestien, age thirteen, date of birth April 16 2001, place of birth Manhattan New York and I could go on and on" he said.
I felt like I was just hit by a truck. How did this guy know so much about me, wait he works for the government of course he would know this stuff.
"But Jack it is important that you and your brother come with us" he said quickly
"Were not going anywhere with you"I said trying to sound real brave.
"If you don't come with us we will have to take you by force. Please young Jack we don't want to hurt you"
"I said LEAVE US ALONE" I screamed as a machine gun materialized in the palm of my hand. I raised it to shoot but I filter a small sharp object hit me in the back.At first I thought it was a knife but then I started to feel drowsy, my eyes got heavier and I got sleepy really quick and it dawned on me ,I had been shot with a tranquilizer dart. I turned to try and protect my brother but was already out. I fell on the ground and slowly felt myself slipping away. I saw the moustache guy come and stand over me
"I'm sorry young Jack" was the last thing I heared before the world went blank.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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