Chapter 1

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Calling of the past

Cordelia Pov

The past is a mesterius place aspecialy for me I grew up in a small village where we are like a great big family. We lived in the woods where no one goes because they said it's the dark forbidden wood's but the outsiders didn't know it like I did. I snuck out every Saturday night to visit the nearby town called Death valley. Why it's called that I don't know but I'll find out tonight. As I walked through the wood's I'm constantly climbing over fallen half cut trees you could hear the twigs and leaves crack and break underneath my bear feet. At that time of the night the stars are not that bright until you come in to the clearing near the Plato. I always go there to dream big dreams under the starry sky that night I saw a shooting star and maid my wish. I wished I had more friends I lived alone my parents died a year a go.

They trusted a man and his wife, they promesd they would help my mother with my birth the people could not have kids of there own. They wanted a kid so badly. The women was my mother's neac aunt Tiffany when she heard my mother was expecting a girl she grew jellus of my mother. And started to skeam a deadly plane. She got the idea if she killed my mother she could raise me as her daughter. Shortly after I was born my mother got very sick it just got worse and worse a week later she passed away. My father couldn't raise me on his own so he agreed to my aunt's conditions. She will raise me up to the age of 18 then he can see me again.

I grew up with out my parents and my aunt told me they loved me but couldn't give me the life I needed so they asked her to raise me. A month later she told me they passed away I was four year's old. It broke me in pieces to know I will never see them again. I lived my live in fear because my aunt turns in to an alcoholic she would drink botel after botel. That's when I desided to run away I grew tired of her always tacking out her angerd feeling's on me. I disided when she is a sleep that's when I will run away. Three o'clock came I was already paced she was fast a sleep I tiptoed to words the dour when my uncle came in he gently toek me by the hand and asked where I was going. I told him every thing she did, he got furious and went back to the room. I was so sceard that I puled my teddy closer and ran out of the house. I heard gun shots my aunt yelled and then went silent, my uncle came out and told me he knew of a place where I will be safe. He took me to the very village I now lived in. I made a friend that very day her name was Cristell she was a shy girl like me.

Soon I learned how to be brave and relaxed around her I could be my self. The crazy upnoctius me we had a lot of fun we pranked some of the villager's and got away with it. Those were the good old days a lot of years passed I grew older and wiser it was my 16th birthday. I was so excited to celebrate it so I ran into my uncles room and jumped on his bed but he didn't want to wake up, I got sceard and ran to Cristell's house her father was the healer of the village. I told her my uncle doesn't want to wake up they rushed to our house.... Her father told her he has passed she knew what her father ment. She just came to me and shook her head I realized he died, I cried for days after that I didn't even attend his funeral I was to misrebull. Three months later she got the idea to sneak out to the nearby village. As we walked through the woods you can hear the cracking of twigs and leaves under our feet and the wolwes howling in the distance we were on our way to meet her friends. I don't quite trust them but I try to for Cristell's sake. The thing is I had quite the in counter with nice people before they ment the end of my family. Not all nice people are bad some of them are actually nice like Cristell. She is always thear to cover me if I get in to trouble and keeps me away from dangerous things to. I like to do dangerous things but she always stops me from doing them. I thanked her like a million times I always try to do the craziest thing but she doesn't. She loves to play trikes on the people in our village and gets away with it I don't know how but she does.

Thats why I like about her she always seports me in my crazy ideas and my way of thinking. An hour later we arrived at the valley where her friends were already waiting for us. Sonja is a strawberry blonde girl age 17, Pieter is a dark heard guy age 17 Hendrik is a broenete age 17 hell he is something for the eyes dame he gets me every time with that mesterius look he always gives me, it makes me blush like a red rose blooming in spring then there is Sihane age 17 she is the leader or that's what they say she is, I don't think they are bad people they are bad people I think I can trust them. I snuck out with Cristal to meet you guys. So Sonja why do people call it Death valley? I have been wondering for a while now.

Sonja pov

They say the Grim reaper wase born here and that this was where he his first thousand kills in two months time ore so I have heard. That's where the name comes from they al so say he still walks around town looking for new victims to take along on his next journey. Sonja don't scare the kid like that it's only her second night out with us pieter sed. Besides she is the youngest here so leve her alone! Or do you want me to call the reaper on you. I will if I have to. You wouldn't dear to Pieter, you wouldn't dear to. Oooo really try me I'm not a fraid of you.

Cordelia pov

Cristell are they always like this? No, no there not only when it suits them, then yes they are like that. Stop it immediately you two imbeciles we are hear to show the kid our town. And now you two biker like 5 year olds. Stop it now or I will smack the living daylights out of you. I hear Sihane yelling from behind me I jump as she shouts. Nichole my best friend also started yelling. What's going on hear I'm trying to figure out who is going to do what with the kid, and show her how we operate in this town but I can't think with all this insane babbling between you all.I'll show her around first said Hendrik. Fine but you better make sure she doesn't get hurt got that. Yes Shaihan I get it I'll make sure she is safe. He gently takes my hand in his and holds it tight he then tells me he is only holding it so that I don't get lost. Out of the blue he takes me around the corner and kisses me softly. With the sweet words your safe with me around I don't have to fear when he is near. It felt like a dream so I wished it will never end.

I told him I wanted to give him something to keep but he said I didn't have to. So I pulled him closer by the ty, closer to me and kissed him back softly and told him I liked him. In my head though I was to afraid to tell him he realized that. So he picked me up and pushed me against the wall with great strength it flipped me on like a light switch I crossed my legs around his waist and he told me he likes me to from the first day we met. He said he started to love me for my crazy ideas that's what maid him fall in love with me. He kissed me again but this time I felt his love and passion, the warmth of his imbrase. I kissed back with more passion as things got heated up I started to undress him it just got warmer between us but I heard our friends come closer. So we had to stop that really maid me angry they were coming to the wrong place at the wrong time. He puts me down slowly so that we could start walking again as we were walking around the street's all of the sudden I saw a car coming our way. It couldn't stop the driver lost control and slams straight into us but we were oky. I didn't know how but he stopped the car instently with one hand.

The side of the car got really bent out of shape. I could see the color of his eyes they turned red before I could say a word I passed out. Two days later I woke up in the hospital I couldn't remember what happened all I remember was the way he looked at me that's when it all started. I met him as a goul when he saw I was a wake he asked me if I could remember anything from two days ago. But I don't have a clue I told him he looked seriously stressed out and scared at the same time. That's when I realized he didn't save me I saved him. Or so he told me he even said I turned in to something stronger than any human. Short after I saved his life I passed out in his arms he didn't know what to do so he ruched me to the nearest hospital. He immediately called our friends out of fear and the hole group was standing besides my bed. They were happy to see me alive Cristell thought I was dead but when she saw me awake started laughing and yelling out of joy. She hugged me and said I was stupid to do that but she is graitfull that I'm still alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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