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Simon and [Name] just left the apartment room so that they could keep moving forward and trying to find a way out of the building.

Walking up to another room, Simon noticed the blood that stained the floor and the bottom half of the door.

His eyes widened and looked over at [Name]'s reaction. She just stood there with a nonchalant expression, and she looked back at Simon. "What's wrong?" She asked him. Simon shakes his head and looks to his seemingly to find a door leading to another hall.

Simon walks over to the door and opens it, waiting for [Name] to walk in, but she doesn't. Simon looks back at [Name] to see her still staring at the door, "[Name]? Are you coming?"

[Name] jumps a bit and looks over at Simon, "Huh? Sorry...spaced out there..." [Name] walked over to the open door. After [Name] walks in, Simon enters right after her, closing the door behind him.


The only thing on my mind at the moment was the door. I couldn't shake it off, but I didn't want to break my train of thought.

I started picking at my fingernails anxiously, 'What was behind that door? Why does it look familiar? What would happen if-' "[Name]?" I look up to see a bright light.

I flinch back and I cover my eyes, "Agh, dude what the fuck!" I take a few steps back as I rub my eyes. "Sorry, are you okay?" I hear Simon apologize. "Yeah, I'm fine, why?" I opened my eyes, and everything looked like static for a few seconds before my vision went back to normal.

Simon turned off the flashlight on his phone, "You keep spacing out. Are you sure you're okay?" He interrogated.

I nodded and looked around to see this hallway empty.

There's an elevator, but it doesn't seem to work. I sigh, and I rub my head a bit, "Now what?" I question Simon, "I don't know, why do you expect me to know?" He gave me an annoyed look, and I just rolled my eyes. "Whatever, man, let's just go downstairs,"

We both start heading down the stairs silently. None of us said anything until a groan made itself present.

My eyes widened, and I instinctively reached for my knife. In the corner of my eye, I see Simon grabbing his gun and reloading it. He just looks at me, expecting me to go down first.

I give him a look, and he looks down and sighs. I see him shake a little as he goes down the steps. I slowly follow him, and the groaning gets louder and louder as we get closer to the bottom.

I freeze, and I just follow Simon with my eyes as he reaches the bottom of the stairs.


Simon reaches the bottom of the stairs and looks around carefully.

Cry of Fear (Simon Henriksson x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now