𝟖. grumpy x sunshine

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"GUYS, VIENNA IS in a mood." Nelson said as he got onto the live. He sat down, Vienna's leg across on his lap as she laid down. "Ow!" He shrieks as she kicks him.

"I'm not in a mood, asshole." She rolled her eyes, turning her head back around to look at the TV. Nelson shrugged his shoulders at the live.

Cam Wilder damn nelson wtf did u do twin

"I literally did nothing! She's just grumpy!" He exclaims, holding his arms up in defence. Vienna kicks him again and then he looked at her with a are you kidding? look.

Lavar Johnson Maybe She's On Her Period

Nelson's jaw dropped when he read Lavar's comment, slowly turning his head to look at Vienna. She glared at him when she noticed him staring at her.

"What?" She questions.

"Are you on your period?" He asked her and Vienna's glare hardened before she looked away from him. "I think that's a yes ya'll."

Frankie she is 100% also why'd u ask her💀

"Shut up Frankie! Nobody asked you!" Nelson yelled at the phone, flipping it off. His face dropped when he did. "Wait don't ban me."

"I love you Franks!" Vienna yelled and Nelson reached over and covered her mouth.

He shook his head, still reading the comment. "No she doesn't you fucking suck."

Natali Damn who hurt you today nelson?

"No one, Nat." He mumbled, getting galaxies. He followed the people back quickly before their accounts went away.

Greys Anatomy played on the TV, Vienna watched peacefully while Nelson continued to talk to the live. "Are Vee and I doing anything today? I don't know."

He slid his hand under the blanket, putting it on Vienna's leg. He tapped her and she looked over to him.

"Do you want to go to the beach? Have a picnic?" He asked her and Vienna thought about it for a moment. "Oh come on grumpy face, it will be fun."

Vienna sighed, a small smile on her face. She nodded and Nelson leaned over, pressing a kiss on her lips. Vienna kisses back and then Nelson stood up.

"Alright ya'll, I'm taking Vee out so I'm off for tonight. See ya." He did a peace sign and then ended the live.

Nelson held his hands out for Vienna, helping her up from the couch. They went upstairs to get ready.

"Here." Nelson fed her some noodles, Vienna's eyes widen in surprise, it tasted so good. They picked up some Chinese food on the way to the beach.

She wiped some food in the corner of her mouth with a napkin. "It's really good." She nodded her head.

Nelson just stares at Vienna, admiring her. She stared back into his blue eyes, her cheeks flushed. Nelson pinches her cheek, teasing her. "Are you blushing?"

Vienna rolled her eyes, pushing his hand away from her face. "Shut up." She muttered before leaning in and kissing him.

Nelson was caught off guard but then immediately kissed her back. It was a short kiss, pulling apart. The sun was setting and Vienna just had to take a picture.

They both got a notification from a group-chat with Lavar and Cam. Groaning as they saw the notification.


Cam Wilder

Like This Message If Ya'll Didn't
everyone liked this message 👍

Cam Wilder
That's it ya'll are BENCHED

Yo why is Vienna the only player
on the girls team thats in this gc
This is for the BOYS bruh

Giannis stfu bro🖕

Yeah stfu GIANNIS

Cam Wilder
okay goodnight fellas😴
🔒 in yall


"I'm so ready for Pennsylvania." Nelson puts down his phone, Vienna laid her head down on his lap.

"Same." She mumbles, staring at the sunset. "I'm ready for this revenge era."

"You're going to cook." Nelson laughed, running his hands through her hair. Vienna nodded her head, smiling up at him.

Nelson leaned down, kissing her again.

roan speaks!
waiting for pennsylvania
might just have to go over there

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