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There is a cry on the horizon.

It's loud and it rings out across the grassy valley in the dead of night. Nothing but the black sky above and the millions of twinkling stars. It is a song of solace, a melancholic whine.

In the courtyard, the Monks pray.

They sit in a circle, on prayer mats on the paved ground. Their heads shaved bald, ceremonial robes blue like the moon. They pray to the creature, they pray for the creature. They pray for knowledge of what may come, what he once was.

And they pray for the rest of the world. For humanity. For its safe being.

For he is coming.

And he won't be kind.

Coming to the end of his song, the creature turns towards the Monks. He tilts his head, a strangely lifelike movement. The Monks cease their prayers. The creature creeps towards the edge of the cage, into the light. The Monks shrink backward at the sight of him.

There is a long whine.

And then he grabs the bars of the cage, warping them around a hole big enough to squeeze through.

And then come the screams...


"But I feel like I've been here before. Why? Why is that? What are you?"

"I am everything and I am nothing. I am the past and the present and the future. I am your deepest desires and your worst nightmares. Fear me, Chan. I am not kind"

Welcome To:
Deja Vu.

This is simply fiction! I am not affiliated with stray kids or my brand, they are only characters in this story.

Any mentions of places or situations past or present are purely coincidental and simply part of a work of fiction.

No part of this may be reuploaded anywhere else, I write only on wattpad under this alias. Translations are currently disallowed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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