My mom left me and I became a billionaire

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Hi, I'm Joelle and I have an extremely exciting story, but it's kind of short. Before we begin, make sure to vote and follow!

Growing up, I lived in a small village. My mom was a bit crazy, she'd always stay in her room, she'd only eat leftovers, and she'd call us the weirdest things. We even had to slide dinner under the door to make her eat. But yes, my mom would call us the weirdest things. She'd call my dad Paul, though his name is Jasper. She'd call my siblings Daisy, Dove, Minko, and Sprinkdoop. And they'd just call her frani, don't ask me why. So yeah even dad and I started calling her frani, for no exact reason, habit i guess.

Anyways a few years later we were struggling with money, when dad asked mom to work, for the first time since 10 years, I saw frani open the door, and I saw her face. But she had to ruin the moment I'd finally see her by throwing a chair near our father, but he dodged it. "Are you out of your mind? I could of died!" 

Frani got so fed up, she put all of her stuff on a chair and dragged it outside and left. Well, that was weird, none of us cared if frani was gone, it felt the same when she was in her room. Dad started working as hard as he could, and I wanted to help him make money.

I decided I was going to start my own clothing brand, a dream I'd loved since i was 7. Plus, I was 21, so I was old enough. 

I got to work, there was a free land space down the block since most people here were tourists, not people who live here. I took the land and I started my designs, I kept all my 5 little siblings in the backroom of the shop (which I'd designed to partly be a playroom) and I ended up making so many sales!

I'd gotten so much money, I was now a billionaire. Dad stopped working, and joined me in the clothing  store.

And guess what I named it?

"Frani  Clothing Company"

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