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Clay and Doughy walk up to the ice cream truck, doughy fidgets his fingers nervously as clay pays the 3$ for vanilla ice cream.

"This is the flavour you like right?"
Clay looks at doughy tired, the alcohol he took is making him sleepy and making him slur his words.
"Oh, Yeah!"
Doughys expression changed as the words clay said earlier escapes his mind and makes him trust clay.
Clay starts to blush as doughy licks the ice cream, making his face covered in white vanilla ice cream; clay is obviously not innocent anymore so his mind makes him think the ice cream is cum; which makes him blush more as the innocent doughy finishes the ice cream and smiles at him.
Clay thinks of the innocence of doughy being gone thanks to him.
He was the Mayor though! Being in a relationship with a kid could make his 'dead end job' gone. But if it was secret enough he could sneak a kiss once and a while.

"Mr. Puppington..?"
Doughy said nervously as the long thinking of clay made him zone out.

"Ah yes! Dough boy."
Clay put his hand on doughys shoulder as he starts to walk away, doughy quickly follows behind him as the butterflies in his stomach flutters everytime he looks at clay.

Time skip to clays study because I'm lazy

"So, doughy."
Clay stares at him with a dead pane stare while he was blushing, both by the Alcohol and by him liking doughy.

Doughy felt scared by clays posture but he couldn't help but blush at clay also.

"We're...'friends' right?"
Clay was hoping for an answer like "we're more than friends to me." But he had to be blunt about it.
"Scratch that, we're more than friends."
He took another sip of alcohol as his words because even more slurred.

"What do you mean..?"
Doughy obviously knew what was going on but he didn't wanna be wrong.

"Just, come here."
Doughy behaved as clay grabbed his head and pulled him closer to his lips, eventually giving him a kiss that became more and more intimate. Doughys wide where widened as clay made-out with him, it felt so good but so bad but doughy couldn't help but wrap his arms around clays neck.
After what felt like an eternity clay pulled his face away as the mix of alcohol and tobacco grew on doughys taste buds. They stared into each others eyes for a while.

"Thats what I mean when I said more than friends."
Clay smiled and blushed some more and pulled doughys arms off of him.

"I- I knew that...Sir."
Doughy felt loved, like loved loved. He felt like he was officially in a relationship with clay because they kissed. He didn't even say "ew!" Like his mother did.

"You know doughy, you're a great kid."
Clay took another sip of whisky as he looked into doughys eyes deeply, he wrapped his arms around doughy unexpectedly as he hugged doughy. He truly loved doughy but he also felt guilty, he was manipulating him. It felt so right though.

The end lol

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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