The mission

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Once upon a time, there was a warrior who fought every day for his life and the lives of his men. With each passing day, he had to venture onto the battlefield of Oaro, where only fear and blood reigned.

This renowned warrior's name was Ema Tidaro. His allies believed he hailed from a foreign land due to his strong accent, but no one knew exactly where he was born. It wasn't his strength that made him admired by all, but rather his intelligence and cunning.

Promotion eluded him for now, but it wouldn't be long. Many believed he would be named a general. His ability to analyze the most complex situations made him an exceptional strategist. Unfortunately, Ema harbored a secret known only to him and his superior, Tobi Wara. He could never be promoted.

As the week came to a close, so did the battles. They had won the battle. Ema Tidaro could finally return to camp. The war wasn't won yet, but it was only a matter of time. Upon reaching his tent, he surveyed his surroundings for several minutes. Then, making sure no one followed, he cast one last look behind him before lowering the curtain that served as a door. He began by removing his heavy coat.

Next, he approached the bowl of water left there for him. He started unbuttoning his blood-stained soldier's shirt, placing it on his bed, and taking the cloth beside the bowl. He dipped it, wrung it out, and carefully washed his face. Then, he undid his belt and removed his mud-stained pants. Finally, facing the mirror, he removed the bandage covering his chest, revealing two magnificent breasts, each the size of a coconut. In reality, he was... she.

Ema's true name was Emalie Droniov, but no one knew where she was born. She didn't either. She was a 28-year-old woman who had never known parents and had grown up in an orphanage from which she had escaped at the age of 6. She had stowed away on a ship and stolen clothes from young sailors under the cover of night. As a child, it had been easy for her to pass as a boy. In a world dominated by men, she hadn't had a choice.

After a few days at sea, she was caught by the ship's captain, who that night had trouble falling asleep. He had walked out onto the deck and spotted the little shadow sneaking away with a few pieces of bread stolen from the kitchen. The cook was a heavy sleeper; she had no trouble swiping her meal.

"Oy, boy!"

She had tried to escape, but he was much faster. He grabbed her by the arm, and despite her attempts to wriggle free from his grip as firm as a hawk's talons around its prey, she found herself ensnared by Captain Wara, a revered superhuman respected by all and adorned with numerous honors from his majesty, decorated for his many victories in various missions throughout his military career.

"What do we have here?" Tobi Wara was not accustomed to children, but as he locked eyes with the defiant, almost black dark brown eyes of the rascal, he couldn't help but be moved. Surprisingly, few people knew that he too had embarked on his first journey aboard a ship in a clandestine manner. It was evident that neither he nor his subordinates had hired this cabin boy who, despite his young age, possessed a formidable energy as he struggled like a spirited demon.

He sighed; the question remained: what was he to do with this child?

"What is your name, my young friend?"

Emalie remained silent. The man holding her had asked the question with an authoritative voice, yet devoid of animosity. She stopped struggling and stared at him. He was tall and, for what she could tell, seemed immensely strong, but above all, his face was marred by scars. So it was true. All the rumours she eavesdropped the sailors whispered, all true- the captain looked indeed, like a terrible monster. A beast. Gripped with fear, she stirred and struggled with renewed vigor.

"Hey! Calm down, little demon, if you keep going, you'll wake the others!

The little girl stopped moving abruptly. This monstrous man was right. What should she do? She then adopted a deep voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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