Chapter 1

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Shirou Emiya, A name of no importance to anyone and a name that in another world would cast a air of horrible circumstances onto those who held onto it for so long. He was born in a average everyday home for the first few years of his life until a stove caught on fire and the house went up in fire, Shirou's biological parents didn't make it out of the fire that day and so at the age of three he was sent to live with a family friend.

For the last thirteen years of his life he has lived with the Emiya family, they moved around alot for a while never really staying in one place for long due to his adoptive father's job. He never really minded it after all he idolised his dad never once had he argued back to him or ever denied any of his requests as that just simply wasn't in his nature.

Shirou only really had one problem with moving around so much and that was simply the way in which he wouldn't make many friends, sure he had his little Sisters to talk to but he usually stayed out of there business less he get sucked into some weird adventure they always seemed to be acting out. He had a few friends online but that was the most he had for friends at least.

Recently they had moved to a city his dad used to live in when he was young the name of which was Fuyuki, the city was nice enough it felt lively enough and the people were friendly and the crime rate was rather low so he didn't need to worry much about himself or his parents although addmitidly he was still somewhat over protective of his sister's they were much younger than him after all and he didn't want to see them get into trouble at all, which thankfully they had yet to get into and mischief.

On this particular day Shirou had to wake up extremely early not that he really minded it but still it did a number on his mood as he rather stupidly stayed up late on the phone to one of his online friends, said online friends name was Sieg although that wasn't his real name Shirou and the others in there friend group called him that simply because his real name was alot harder to pronounce in japanese as it wasn't a usual japanese name as Sieg was from a rather rich family in a foreign country. They had decided over the phone that they were gonna meet up today as they were both now attending the same school. Shirou at this current moment was getting ready to leave, he had thrown on his school uniform in a hurry so it looked as if it was in a but of a state but he didn't see the need to fix it until he approached the school gates, the uniform consisted of a simple white and black button up blazer a pair of pure black trousers and a red tie to accompany the look. Shirou felt a bit too 'snobby looking' wearing the uniform but he couldn't do much about that. He also felt as if the uniform didn't match his auburn coloured hair nore his golden brown eyes.

Shirou took some time while getting ready to make sure hie had everything packed into his bag as he did so he double checked it once or twice before zipping up the bag and pulling it over his head to let it rest at his side while slung over his shoulders. Leaving his room he was almost immediately met by his mother's cheery face.

"Your up late you know? Illya, Kuro and Miyu have already left for school, I think they were disappointed in having to have my cooking instead of yours you know! It brought a tear to my eye." Irisviel Von Einzbern, the woman who had suddenly barged into his life when he was much younger, she considers herself Shirou's mom despite her technically just being his foster mother she refuses to acknowledge that she's just his adoptive mother, not that Shirou really cared after all to him she was his mom and always had been. She was always rather unnaturally super energetic even at the earliest times in the morning, this morning it was no different.

"Really? I thought they would be leaving long after me." Shirou said as he scratched the side of his cheek as he thought about why exactly they would leave before him. "They were in a hurry unlike you mister! Shouldn't you be going soon? It's almost eight." As she said that Shirou simply responded with a nod "Yeah I'll be off soon just going to get some toast real quick."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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