I ruined my Mom's wedding

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Hi, I'm Charlette, and I live in LA, right next to Disneyland! 

Growing up, my mom always got me everything I wanted. The place I pointed to on a map was where we'd go to for vacation. If i said, "Dog" she'd buy me a dog. 


Let's pause and meet Barbeque, the cutest dog in the universe.

Once, I had  pointed to LA on the map and we went to Disneyland. I told my mom I wanted to go there all the time, and she actually bought us a house a few minutes away from Disney! I always got in there with the year-round tickets, It was the best!

Life was perfect, except, I'd always wondered where my dad was. Everytime I asked my mom she would say, "He's traveling across the country to get us money, but he loves you." When I was 5, I was smart enough to know he wasn't on a business trip and wasn't gonna come back, and I stopped asking my mom. 

One day, mom brought home a man named Carl. She introduced him to me and we had dinner. Mom brought friends over all the time, so I wasn't that suspicious. I continued going to school, and living my life. Until one day, when I got home and mom dropped the bomb on me.

It would expload in 3 seconds, I just knew it.




"Carl and I are getting married,"

I was so confused, emotions mixing together inside me, I felt a bit dizzy but not enough to black out, I was also.. angry, angry at my mom. After everything, she couldn't even tell me before they were gonna get married? I also felt jealous, and sad, I didn't want another family member, I already have my mom, that's all that matters. I didn't know how to respond, so I ran upstairs to my room, locked the door, and sobbed for no reason with Barbeque. "B.Q. mom's getting married!" 


                                         👰🏻          WEDDING                  🔔🔔🔔                          DAY    🤵🏻


The bells were ringing and the speech had started. 

"Do you take --"


"Do you take Carl Edd-"


"Any objections?"

Before I knew what I was doing I scrambled to my feet and said:



Mom was crying in her room, Carl had decided it was best for both of them if I wasn't happy with the wedding. I couldn't bear to see her like that, it broke my heart.

I went to mom and hugged her, "I'm sorry mom, I don't know what happened, it just flew out of my mouth." I said. 

"Oh honey, It's okay, I should've given you a say in my marriage too."

"How about we start this again? I marriage that I will support! A new wedding!"

And that's exactly what happened, the look on my mom's face when she walked down the hall made tears fall from the brim of my eyes.

Oh and it turns out, my dad always had been sending me presents, and trying to reach out to me, I just never got the gifts or calls. We got into contact and turns out, he has a dog named Frito! We love exchanging dog pics.

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