One chaos to another chaos - Sophia's POV

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...Coming from one chaos to another chaos. The lads chase each other in drenched swim shorts—both outdoors and indoors. Zander, Wesley, Aiden, Jasper and Oliver are trickling the floor wet as they run through the house. Oliver has Jasper's glasses once again. Aiden has bravely taken Zander's phone, and Wesley runs around with a bottle of whisky for whatever reason. Their roars and raucous laughter deafen our attempts to get in contact with them, and they are unaware of us gawking at them.

''Why are lads so much stupider in a group?'' I question, somewhat baffled. ''They don't romp around like this when I'm hanging out with them.''

''God knows,'' Michael sighs, and the boys are coming in our direction yet unaware of us. ''Oi, Zander!'' He gives Zander a minor scare as he seizes him by the arm, and the other boys slow down, looking around furtively. ''You're dousing the whole house! Mum's gonna go mental!''

''Is she home?'' Zander asks.

''She's fuming at Bella's, but she'll be here soon and won't be happy,''

"Okay,'' Zander jerks his arm free and takes flight, the other lads following his track.

''Take it outside!'' Michael shouts.

''It's raining!''

''Well, fuck it,'' he mutters and takes the lead to the kitchen. ''Let's see if there's some food for us.''

Rummaging in the fridge and pantry, he finds leftovers from yesterday's Sunday dinner that he pops into the microwave for us while I make coffee. The larkish lads are still frolicking, running back and forth—inside and outside.

Sebastian shows up in time for us to have finished our dinner. His expression is blank, and it's hard to read him. He utters disapproval about the boys' game but doesn't give me any criticism. He is invited for coffee, and just as he is about to decline—Debbie arrives. The smile on her face vanishes in a microsecond, shifting into her characteristic baleful glare.

''Michael, didn't I tell you to go home and make sure they don't wreck the house?''

''Yes, and I told them to stop, but they don't listen, and they aren't small enough to be picked up and chucked outside,'' Michael says.

''Oh, my god,'' Debbie groans exasperatedly.

The doorbell sets off again, and Alexander waits at the doorstep. ''Did I come at a bad time?'' he asks awkwardly.

''No, come on inside, darling,'' Debbie says slyly, motioning him inside. ''You fancy my son, don't you?''

''Yes, I do,'' Alexander nods determinedly.

''I have a little test for you then. You see, I won't let him marry anybody. One of my terms is that the man has balls enough to deal with him and his devilry. As you can see, he's made a mess out of my house and will continue until somebody stops him. Now, that's up to you. I want the lads to quit it and clean up all the water on the floors, and then I want all of them but Zander to get out,'' Debbie whispers, looking up at him fixedly. ''Understood?''

Alexander's face slightly blanches, and he gives the impression that he wishes he had taken the backdoor to avoid bumping into us. ''Do you want me to clear up this bedlam?'' 

''Yes, can you do that?''

Alexander looks at Sebastian and Michael, who both repress laughs. ''...Sure... May I ask why you can't do it?''

''I tried,'' Michael shrugs.

''I'm off the clock,'' Sebastian snickers.

I doubt it is the boys Alexander worries about. He can handle them. It's Debbie watching him that makes him timorous. 

''Because I've been taking care of him for over 20 years. I need a break. We will be back in an hour or two, and I want the house to be put back in order then,'' Debbie declares and turns to the door.

"Oh, yeah, that will be no problem." Alexander's confidence appears anew, and my theory is confirmed. Debbie unnerves him, not the five silly boys.

''Is it alright if I come by and watch some TV, Sebastian?'' Michael asks.

''Yes, you are welcome to join us,'' Sebastian says, somewhat hesitantly. I suppose he's wary of having him stay until past midnight like last time, but whatever. It's not like he's disruptive half-asleep on the sofa. Debbie, on the other hand, can be a guest from hell.

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