Chapter 1

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It was 8:23 pm, and the audience cheered when a tall man with a phantom black suit with a monocle and black hair entered the stage. He looked about 48-ish and had a strong voice that can be heard miles away. His name was Leo, one of the founders of Alliance Matrix, which was an organization that prevented families from being separated from their eldest child. Leo is also a representative for the United Kingdom. He raised his hand in the air and the crowd went silent, then he spoke with a strong tone,

[Leo/UK] - "Today, we celebrate a special day for my son, Eric, ranked #7 in Alliance Matrix, representative of the United States of America, the day the U.S. gained independence, the 4th of July!" The crowd roared with excitement as a 6"3 tall man with a gray jacket and a black shirt, along with an elongated necklace and sunglasses ran up the stage.


Behind the stage, stood 3 men looking at the audience, then at Eric and Leo. Korenev, who has the coldest expression, is 6"4, has pure white hair, icy blue eyes and a long light gray coat with a black sleeved-shirt underneath. Korenev represents Russia and he is ranked #2 in Alliance Matrix

Adrian, a representative of Spain, is 6"4, has brown faded hair and dark maroon-ish eyes. Adrian wears the Traje de Lucas uniform, since his family has been bullfighters for centuries, and he also ranked #3, right after Korenev.

And last but not least, stands Rayk. he's 6"5, has black hair, green polo with a leather coat. He also has bright orange eyes and carries a combat knife with him at all times. Rayk is ranked 4th and represents Germany.

[Korenev/Russia] - "Sometimes I wonder if that dingus has brain cells,"

[Adrian/Spain] - "Hey don't be mean Korenev, sure he may be the stupidest out of all of us but at least he's the one that's keeping us mentally stable."

[Korenev/Russia] - "Good point, and it was my idea to set this whole thing up, huh?"

[Rayk/Germany] - "Yep. And we made it happen as a team." Rayk put both his hands on Korenev and Adrian's shoulders, and smiled at them. Then Leo raised his hand again and the audience stopped cheering. He then spoke,

[Leo/U.K.] - "Do you have anything to say to your audience, Eric?" Leo passed the mic to Eric and he put his sunglasses on his head to reveal bright purple eyes. 

[Eric/U.S.A.] - "Yes sir, I'd like to thank Korenev for setting this whole party up and my friends for making it happen, couldn't have asked for more! In fact, I'll have Korenev, Rayk, and Adrian to join me on the stage!" The audience cheered with excitement so loud that the stage almost shook. Adrian, Rayk, and Korenev walked up the stage until Korenev got a phone call.

[Korenev/Russia] - "Shit, I have a call, I'll join you guys later,"

[Eric/USA] - "Oh come on! Is it really that important?"

[Korenev/Russia] - "It's coming from Asaka, so yes, it is important,"


[Rayk/Germany] - "What do you think is so important that Korenev has to get pulled away?"

[Eric/USA] - "I don't know, but I just hope that he can catch a break without getting into trouble for one day. I feel bad for the man yaknow?"

[Rayk/Germany] - "Yeah same."

[Adrian/Spain] - "Um guys? The crowd wants us."

[Eric/USA] - "Oh right!"

Korenev walked off the stage and sighed with relief that he didn't have to face over 100 people. He then walked into the tall glass building with big bolded words that read 'Alliance Matrix', then he answered the call,

[Korenev/Russia] - "What's up Asaka? Is there a problem?"

[Asaka/Japan] - "Someone broke into the top floor of Alliance Matrix, could you go and check it out? But be careful, it could be the Vanara,"

Korenev/Russia] - "Got it, I'll bring the Stones with me then."

[Asaka/Japan] - "Hai."

Korenev walked into a large office and opened a glass case and pulled out a necklace with a stone on it and it was red, white, and blue. The necklace also had a flame aura around it. He then closed the office door and ran up the stairs to the roof of the building.

[Viorica/Romania] - "Can't you guys load any faster?!?! We have to steal these before the A.M. find out!" Viorica is one of the people who works for Vanara and she literally has a cold heart. One of the people was a 17-year old girl with scars all over her body and her head has a bandage that covers a scar that never stops bleeding. Her name is Esra, and her mother, father, and deadly ill brother all got captured by Vanara and she was forced to do labor for 11 years for Vanara in order to see her family again. Esra dropped a PC on the ground gently and death stared at Viorica. Then she spoke in a raspy voice,

[Esra/Turkey] - "let go of my family bitch,"

[Viorica/Romania] - "What did you just say?"

[Esra/Turkey] - "I said, let go of my family bitch-" before Esra could finish her sentence Viorica pinned her to a wall and had a dagger an inch away from her neck.

[Viorica/Romania] - "Listen here you little asshole: you don't tell ME what to do. I have your family captive, one wrong move and you will be sleeping with the dead. Understand?"

[Esra/Turkey] - "I'd rather go through my parent's beating and harsh words than die on YOUR dirty hands." Viorica was about to stab Esra but then Korenev reached the roof.

[Korenev/Russia] - "AY! STOP RIGHT THERE!"

[Viorica/Romania] - "DAMN IT, TAKE WHATEVER YOU CAN YOU PEASANTS!" The other people start taking whatever they can while dodging bullets from Korenev. The helicopter then flew away and Korenev was panting and punched a nearby wall, leaving a dent on it. Esra was left amazed when she saw Korenev and then she realized that she was probably screwed.

[Esra/Turkey] - "I can explain everything but please don't jump into conclusions-"

[Korenev/Russia] - "Do you work with them?"

[Esra/Turkey] - "Against my own will,"

[Korenev/Russia] - "You sure?" Korenev took a small controller from his pocket and a cage sprung from the ground, capturing Esra and it startled her.

[Esra/Turkey] - "Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, wait a minute, this is all a misunderstanding! I'm one of the good guys!" Esra fell on her knees searching for a way out. Then a small photo fell out of her pocket and the wind blew it outside the cage near Korenev's boots.

[Esra/Turkey] - "Wait, PLEASE DON'T TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!! REALLY IMPORTANT TO ME AND IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT'S GIVING ME THE WILL TO LIVE!!" Korenev picked up the paper and unfolded it to see 4 family members smiling and having a good time. He put the photo in his pocket and turned his back to Esra.

[Korenev/Russia] - "I'll let the authorities handle this situation. Other than that, just hang tight and relax." Korenev walked away and Esra started hyperventilating looking for a way out. Korenev then stopped when he heard Esra crying and heard her banging on the bars. He turned around and was shocked to see splats of blood everywhere and Esra's knuckles were bleeding but she kept on punching the bars. 

[Esra/Turkey] - "I WAS FORCED TO WORK FOR VANARA!! THEY KIDNAPPED MY FAMILY AND TOLD ME THAT IF I REFUSED TO WORK FOR THEM FOR 16 YEARS, THEY WOULD KILL THEM AND MY OLDER BROTHER IS DEADLY ILL!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! PLEASE DON'T RIP THAT PHOTO UP AND PLEASE DON'T CALL THE AUTHORITIES ON ME. I WAS BEATEN UP BY MY PARENTS MY ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE AND THE ONLY PERSON WHO ACTUALLY LOVED ME WAS MY BROTHER!!" she started crying uncontrollably and even ripped up her hoodie, and she ended up scratching herself hard enough to start bleeding. Korenev reaches for the photo, walks back to Esra and hands the photo back to her, he then takes out the same controller and the cage disappears.

[Korenev/Russia] - "Look at me, are you telling the truth?"

[Esra/Turkey] - "YES I AM!! I WOULD NEVER LIE EVEN IF MY FUCKING LIFE IS ON THE LINE!!" Korenev looked at Esra and noticed that she had bright green eyes and her body was covered with blood at that point. He sighed and reached his hand over. Esra got up and wiped the blood on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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