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Fizz note,,, sorry if any of the I's that are supposed to be lowercase are uppercase,,, i was INCREDIBLY tired and accidentally fucked something up

But uhhhh enjoy!!!!! {Heart, Mind, Soul, and Whole belong to Chonny Jash}

ALSO, just in case, "[these]" are mind "(these)" are heart and "{these}" are soul if you didn't know :3

[TIME: 4:32AM.]

{Eugh... I can't sleep. I think Heart and Mind are asleep. I don't hear sobbing or computer fans.. I've been staring at this wall for hours...} I heard a knock on my door, and went to go check what it was.. No one was awake I thought? I open the door to my room, and see Heart standing there.
"{What are you uh... What are you doing up this late?}"
"(...I could ask you the same question.)"
"{.....Fair, what do you need?}"
"(I uh...)" Heart turned to look at the broken mirror behind me, odd.

"(I can't sleep- and was wondering if uhh.. You could-)"
"{Play you the piano?}" I put my hand on my other arm, and just stared at Heart.

"{Alright.}" I summoned a piano, and just... looked down at it, why was everything blurry? {Why can't I see anything properly? Where- the keys...} Despite everythIng being blurry, I managed to play the pIano well enough for Heart to fall asleep to. He... fell asleep In my bed. ...Fair. I'll just...... draw untIl the morning.
[TIME: 12:49PM]

{Huh.. Seems Heart woke up whIle I was distracted wIth my drawing.. I should probably go out there and check, just to be sure...} I walked outside my room, and saw Heart and Mind... arguing lIke always. I felt...tired to say the least.
"{MornIng, guys.}" The arguing stopped.
"(Morning, Soul!)" Heart waved at me. As I was walking to where they were, I... fell over and passed out.

[TIME: !:%#]

I woke up on my bed, I don't remember being here-
{What the hell happened..? I thought I was out near the kitchen-} I got out of bed, and headed back to the kitchen. No sight of anyone. I headed to the living room, no sight of anyone. I even checked the attic, but agaIn, no sight of anyone. {I could've SWORN I felt someone walk by- what the hell- where Is everyone? They can't just leave, rIght? They wouldn't- no no no no- they would never! I-I know them! They.. They wouldn't, right..?} I started backing into a corner, panicking. I don't like being alone.. I SWEAR I felt someone nearby.. Right? I stayed in the corner, and fell to my knees, still panicking. I heard running, and looked around frantically for someone... No signs of anyone.. From what I could see at least.

"(S-Soul?! A-Are you- What happened?!)" Huh.. The running sounds were Heart... But why can't I see him?
"{H-Heart? I-Is that you?-}"

"(Of course It Is! Are you- Are you alrIght? Why w-were you looking around constantly?! Why are you on the floor-)"
"{Where are you..? I can't- I can't see you-}"
"(..I'm right here, Soul...)" I felt someone grab my hands.. I think it was Heart.
"{B-But- I can't see you! What- what's happening?}" I tried looking around again. Headspace stIll looked empty.

"(I don't know, but I'm here, alrIght? I'm not going anywhere. I promise...)" I felt a hug, I'm not sure if it was actually a hug though..
"{You... You promise? LIke.. actually?}"
"(Of course. I'm here, Soul. I'm here..)"

"{I-I- then why can't I see you? Where- Why-}"
"(Don't worry.. I'm here, you'll be fine... I'm not leaving you alone, alright?)" The hug got tighter. Not In a bad way though..

"{a-alrIght..}" Around 5 minutes later, I could see him again. I don't understand why I couldn't..

"(You alright, Soul?)"
"{I-I can see you again! ..Sorry If this was annoying to you-}"
"(Don't be ridiculous! I'm just glad you know I'm here.)" Heart pulled back from the hug, and smiled at me, going back to the hug shortly after.
"{You sure this isn't annoying? I always thought you'd see comforting people as a burden, hence making me a burden too-}" I felt lIke I was going to cry..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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