"no you're supposed to be laughing I want you to be happy baby"

23 1 2

"Please, I'm annoying and stupid and gross and a waste of your time and just forgetful." Ashley explained as Josh thread his fingers in her hair, rubbing the pink dye into her roots. He shook his head. "No, I love you and you're beautiful. Shut the hell up." He watched as she made a face of disapproval, squirming around on the toilet seat. "Ew." Josh rolled his eyes. "You're Halsey. You're on the top. You've been my best friend for almost two years now. June 31. Stop talking so badly about yourself." She huffed. "After you." Josh smiled and took the plastic gloves off his hands, properly disposing them in the trash bin. He and Ashley switched seats and she used what was left of the hair color to touch up his roots. "This is the last time I'm asking you this" She begun, a smile on her face. Josh, who was clearly not a singer, decided to just listen instead of join as she sang. "This is the last time you tell me you got it wrong... /Josh/ c'mon." He sighed, but obliged. "This is the last time I say it's been you all along." "This is the last time I let you in my door." "This is the last time I won't hurt you anymore." Ashley sang the rest of the song herself as Josh stood up, making faces at the younger girl. Almost two years. This was something he'd been proud of. This was something she'd been proud of. They were proud of each other for sticking around through the long run. Ashley liked how Josh screamed lyrics to Rocky Horror and screamed out of fear towards black and white animals, and Josh liked how Ashley sang him songs and literally talked all night until they both fell asleep on opposite ends of the phone line. 709 days of this. Josh considered Ashley his first ever love. Not romantic, he hated ruining friendships with feelings (oh trust me), but he obviously loved her. He spent hours distracting her from her own demons, she spent hours distracting him. They had inside jokes and promises upon promises and said "I love you" every hour. Josh did love Ashley and Ashley loved Josh and this is the foundation for anything Josh related. If it didn't make him feel like Ashley would approve, don't do it. Ashley was his lifeline, as he was hers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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