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Y/N's Pov:

Time skip.
Next day.

I was sleeping peacefully but my sleep was disturbed on hearing faint gasps. I looked next to me and...
Saw a scared and worried Yoongi. He was all sweating and panicking. I got up slowly and asked,
"Hey, what's wrong. Why are you so panicked. Is everything all right? Did you saw a nightmare!?"

"N-no, but you... Why are you here? Did I do something wrong to you last night!? I remember I was drinking with my friends last night and came home drunk of course... Did I do something to you in that state... I'm really sorry please forgive me... I didn't do it intensionally I-"

I chuckled at his cuteness. He was so worried if he did something wrong to me... But little did he knew that he was so innocent. But... He doesn't he remember anything that happened last night... He don't seem to remember it... So sad (._.)

He looked at me.
"Why are you laughing, huh?"
"Because you did nothing wrong to me... So don't panic. Infact yesterday you were so drunk that you slept on the door outside the apartment. And when I saw you there I brought you to your room"
"Then... Then why are you sleeping next to me, huh!?"
"Actually... I made you sleep on you bed and when I was about to leave from here, I thought you might need some help suddenly at night so I decided to stay here and sleep on the couch... But it was really cold yesterday at night... I couldn't help but lay beside you in the duvet... I'm sorry..."
"Ohh is that so then... Thank God nothing wrong happened, or else I could have never forgiven myself!... But are you sure that nothing had happened between us...?"
My eyes widen on his sudden question.
"What... No-nothing happened... Really!"
"Really nothing... I mean, not even a kiss!?"

My eyes widened more in shock and I felt my cheeks burning. I got up excusing myself to get out of this awkward situation.

"Um... I- I'll make breakfast... Come soon-"
Before I could even complete he pulled my wrist and pinned me to the bed. He then hovered above me...

"Till when will you run away? Why don't you say it, huh!?"
"What do you mean?"
"You still don't want to confess!?"
Before I could react he kissed me. The kiss was slow yet rough! I was so shocked to even react to it. He broke the kiss and looked at my eyes.
"Y/n, please don't run away from me. I'm really sorry for whatever I did back then. I was so selfish and immature to even think about you like that. But I swear, the day when you scolded me and cried for me first time and you started to ignore me... I felt it... I felt the way you must have felt and really... That hurts very much. I can't take it anymore Y/n, I'm really sorry. But please give me a chance. Give me a chance to prove my love for you... Yes, I love you Y/n... Please be mine, I can't live without you even for a second! I love you..."

His confession was so sudden that my brain couldn't even know how to react. He again started to lean in for a kiss and this time... He gave me enough time to move back, but my mind didn't allowed me to do so... Finally his lips met with mine and he started moving his lips in a sync. This time it was slow and passionate. No lust, no arrogance, no hunger but just pure concern and love... I slowly closed my eyes and kissed him back. I could feel him smile between the kiss.

After some time we broke the kiss and he looked in my eyes.
"What's you anwer Y/n?"
I kept staring at him and then I smiled slightly and nodded.
"How can I say no to a guy like you! I know you have liked me since long and same goes to me... But because of your own stupidity you broke my heart once... So that day I decided to teach you a lesson. And I started ignoring you until you yourself come and confess to me... And yesterday... When you were drunk you called me in the park nearby just to say that you needed your old self back... And at that time I knew that you have been hurt from a long time and it was because of me... I'm really sorry for hurting you in any way... I'm really so sorry!"
"It's fine... It's equal now for us! But do you love me?"
"Yes... I love you... And I want to be your girlfriend... Will you be my boyfriend... Min Yoongi!?"
"Of course I'll be your boyfriend... I love you too my kitten...

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