Episode 6

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I said as I walked into the clubroom only to come face to face with a small white bra, at first I was severely confused as I took it off the clothes line only to hear the clubroom's shower going.

"... Oh right, Asia has basically been living here, probably should have told her that hanging her clothes was a bad idea."

I thought before suddenly feeling something hard hit the back of my head.

"Did you see anything you like you big pervert?"

Koneko said as I turned back to her and notice what she hit me with.

"Did you seriously just hit me with a freaking lobster? An I'm not a pervert Koneko, I just barely remembered Asia was staying in the clubroom."

I explained as Koneko seemed to not exactly believe me. I guess it's because Raynare seems to still act like we're a couple when we aren't exactly dating.

"Isa is that my bra?"

I heard Asia say making me turn back towards her still holding the white bra.

"I think she's gonna put it on and wear it around."

Koneko said only for Asia to look a little upset and scared, luckily a pair of Fallen have arrived ... unfortunately one seems to reply.

"Please don't it's far too small for you Isa, you might just break it."

"Not you too Kala."

I say as I turned to her and Raynare, only to see Raynare's cleavage before feeling the hard ground and seeing only darkness.

"I'm so sorry I know I'm a visitor here, I really hate being in the way. I wanted to take them down beforehand, but Rias said you all wouldn't be here until I was finished."

Asia said as she basically stood there in a pink towel, which I noticed when I got free and stood up, thank god all of us were females right? WRONG!

Asia said as she basically stood there in a pink towel, which I noticed when I got free and stood up, thank god all of us were females right? WRONG!

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"It's okay sister, after all, you have to stay here. Just be lucky we're all females, the only one you really need to worry about is the knight."

Raynare said as she stood up, Asia simply nodded but replied.

"Well it won't be for much longer, the President said she'll find a place for me to live before I start school."

"Is that so? In that case I pray you end up living somewhere safe, rather than mine and Kala's situation."

Raynare said, although last I checked they're sharing an apartment not too far from the school. From what Kala said she literally had to brainwash the owner into letting them stay since they didn't have money to pay the first rent. However with Kala working as a gym teacher, it shouldn't be too hard to make rent.

"Yeah I hope so."

I heard Asia say before hearing the towel hit the ground. Instinctually I glanced as I moved from Asia's clothes, which I instantly regretted as I tossed the bra in the air and walked to a corner. I could feel the confused gaze of the four females as I faced the corner.

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