Chapter 5

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The word bomb kept running through my head as I frantically tried to figure out a way out of this. I tugged at whatever my hands were tied to and felt it give a bit. Thoughts were racing through my head as I went through everything I've been taught. I got low to the ground trying to find any vantage points. I ended up on my stomach trying to feel around for something but only feeling carpet. I realized at that point that my vision was the most important thing at this point and pulled some neck crunching moves to get the black fabric off of my head. Once it was finally off I realized I was in one of the bankers offices and I was tied to a shelving unit. Just then I heard footsteps outside of the door and my heart fell into my stomach. I hurriedly tried to put the fabric back over my head. I managed to pull it over my head when someone walked in.
"What are you doing down there?" A gruff voice questioned. He grabbed onto my shirt and pulled me up into my feet
"You stay standing up so I can keep an eye on you" he said anger in his voice.
"You can see her clearly now boss" he yelled to someone as soon as the door clicked signifying it was closed.
I need to figure out a better strategy and fast. I go through all of my training and every book I read I also think of what Reid or Derek might do in this situation.
I can see silhouettes of two people through the fabric so I decide to wait until they're gone to attempt the plan I've thought over in my head.
It's been approximately 20 minutes since I first walked through the doors although it feels like hours. When I took my blind off the bomb said it had 45 minutes left to it and it's been around 5 minutes since that so I gotta work fast. I take a glance over to the window and can't see anyone. I quickly slide down and take the blind off as I rip through the rope binding my hands as that whole time I was waiting I found a sharp edge on the shelving unit and have been slowly cutting through it. I run straight to the bomb and it's a classic home made bomb. There is a cliche red wire blue wire that I have to cut. I grab my multitool and extract the scissors that were in my pocket which conveniently wasn't within reach when I was tied up.
I go trough all of my training and staying again ready to either end or save the lives of many. I take a deep breathe and close my eyes and cut both wires.
Nothing happens.
The timer is still ticking and with further investigation the wires weren't connected to any part of the bomb.
Great now what.
I hear voices outside and realize I have to work quickly. I look deeper and find a yellow wire and a green wire. Now these are the ones I have to cut but which ones? I again take a deep breathe and cut.
The green wire snaps and the timer turns off but an alarm goes off getting the robbers attention.
I look around and luckily for me but not for the robbers they placed me in the office with an open window that is close to the ground.
I slip out of the window and run.
I hear screaming behind me and I run faster.
Just then a hand is clapped on my mouth and a gun pointed to my head.
" I didn't want to have to do this to you since you're pretty and I wanted to keep you for myself but now I'm gonna have to kill you" the gruff voice is back in my ear and I feel like throwing up.
I can see now that all of the police and FBI are focused on the building and not paying attention to the valley in between the bank and another building. I try to pry his hand off of my mouth but he is too strong. Using all of the strength I could conjure I manage to kick him were the sun don't shine. He immediately lets go of me and yells in pain. I immediately run towards where I can see Derek standing and just as I am to safety I hear a gun shot.
I look down and see blood. It felt like flames had licked the side of my body. I turn my head towards the robber and see him laying in the ground. I can see Reid with his gun still pointed at the robber. He turns around and as soon as he catches sight of me runs towards me.
" oh gosh Cynthia I didn't think he got you. I tired to fire before he did. I'm so sorry. Lie down. I knew I shoul-" I put my finger on his lips silencing him
"Shhh I know Reid. I promise I'll live and it's because of you" my hand then falls limp and my eyes slide shut.

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