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I walked into the school  canteen my tray in hand, I couldn't see anywhere to sit. I bit my lip in worry until I spotted a boy standing looking around too.

I took a deep breath and walked to him.
"Hi, do you want to sit with me for lunch?" I asked him hopeful
He nodded a grin on his face "yeah"
"Ummm...."I trailed off looking for a seat and pointed to an empty table. The boy nodded and walked to it sitting opposite each other.
I held out a hand

"I'm Ember Morgan" I introduced myself
"Will Cloud" he grinned

That was the day I meet my best friend.


"WILL!" I shouted after him as he ran away
I laughed crouching making my own snowball before I chased the boy.
His laugh making me chuckle too.
He turned to see me but I ended up slamming into him and falling over, my snowball smashing into my own face. I screamed while Will just laughed at my misery
"This is your fault" I grumbled sitting up
"You started it by telling Dink you could beat me. You didn't even hit me" Will laughed offering me a hand up
"Well you said to him that I'm slow at boarding" I defended wiping myself off
"You are" he says
I glared at him
"I am the best girl shredder in Summit Valley" I corrected
He just rolled his eyes

"WILL!" I shout again jumping forward to wrap him in a choke hold
"Ahhh Em why you gotta do this to me!" He pretends to be hurt and stumbled around
"Haha I win" I cheer when he slips on the snow and lands on his back

"Help me up" he grumbled giving me his hand

I chuckle helping him up, but he pulls me down  ont top of him
We both laugh until a cough breaks it up

"Hi guys" Sam smirks at us
"Hey" we both say together as we get up
"Started training already?" Dink asks too
"Just settling a debate" I shrug
"And who won?"  Sam raised a brow amused
"Me!" The two of us say together
"Ok ok come on we have training to do" Dink starts to walk

I chuckle and begin to follow the boys up the pipe

"Mum asks if you are going to come to the cinema with us?" Will asked me as we watched our friends race
"Yeah I'm coming. I've to do a few things at home but I'll be round to yours at 5:30" I told him
He nodded smiling
"I can't wait to show you the new bed I got." He said excitedly
"The double bed isn't it?" I asked
"Yeah. So when we have sleepovers it'll be so much easier now than getting the blow up bed for me" Will replied
"Yeah we can share like we do at my house" I nodded
"Yeah. Better for movies too" he hummed

I curled up under Will's blankets, the smell of my best friend calming me after a long day of team training and seeing a horror film with the Clouds.

"Comfy?" Will sat down beside me
I only hummed in response
"You chose Brother Bear last time. I chose Monsters Inc" he announced putting on our favourite film. We've seen it nearly 60 times, it was the OG movie we watched for our first sleepover when we were 7 since then it's become a sleepover tradition.

"Sully" I nodded handing him the Sully themed throw as I was wrapped up in the Mike one
Will curled up beside me, and I used his shoulder as a pillow.

We both fell asleep curled up around each other. I was flopped over Wills chest, while he had an arm draped under mine his hand resting on my stomach.
Will's mum opened the door to see us sprawled over each other, she chuckled and turned off the light


"Are you really sure about this?" Will asks me as I get ready
"What's the worst that could happen. We need to test the Cloud 9 out, and I've landed it before. You need to make sure you can visually see the moves Will. And I'm lighter I can get more air for longer than you" I explained again
"Can't you just do your own routine first?" He practically begs
"You are exhausting" I joke before I slide off

I pulled the beginning moves before I go in for the Cloud 9.

I was in the second rotation when I fell forward too much and ended up falling on my ass down the wall of the pipe

I lay there for a second before I sat up slowly rubbing my back
"Ow" I grunt

"You okay!" I heard Will shout
"I'm good" I called back

Slowly I got up and made my way back up to see Sam going next

"Stick with your own routine Em" Will gave me a hard look
I nodded not wanting any more pain today
I hummed watching the boys all do their routines. I watched Will go next as he landed the move perfectly

"I told him so" I muttered as I went next

I glided into a front 7. Then into a back 5.  And straight into an Indy. And then a big air. And a double rotation

I skidded to a halt in front of my friends
"So?" I asked
"Amazing. I've not seen anyone our age pull those off in your division" Sam nodded
I smiled happily
"You gonna do your run again before Fire and Ice tomorrow?" I asked Will
He shook his head
"We all need some rest I think" he replied and the two boys nodded

"We've been practicing for hours" Dink nodded
I proceeded to yawn making my friends laugh
"Yup. Agreed" I nodded

I turned to see team Swift begin their training. My sister standing chatting with her boyfriend Nick. I don't not like him, I just prefer that my sister spend as little time with him as possible.

"I'll walk you home" Will said to me
I nodded, I knew there was little point trying to convince him otherwise

"You think we can win?" Will asked softly
"With our routines and your new move, there's no way we won't" I grinned at him
He smiled back warmly
"I guess so yeah. I just-" he said
"Will , win or lose it doesn't matter so long as we have fun. Because we both know that snowboarding is what you were meant for" I said taking his hand in mine

"No fear" I said watching Will line up
"No fear" I saw him mutter

"WILL!" I screamed and ran up the pipe to the boy his mum right beside me
"Will! Will! Wake up! Will please!" I shouted getting taking off his helmet
"Will! Honey! Wake up baby" his mum cried beside me
"Out of the way!" Medics pushed us back
I clung to the women beside me as we watched fearfully

I sat beside the boys bed, holding his hand.
"Em" a soft voice asked

For weeks Will and I became even more inseparable than before. Everyday after school I'd be round at the Cloud house to entertain my best friend I'd tell him stories about school, or whatever our friends we're doing. Will had been on bed rest for three weeks before he was allowed to go mobile.

After Will got better and refused to take up the sport again, I also gave it up until he restarted too

Cloud 9 || Ember Morgan Where stories live. Discover now