Someone dared me to walk upside down for a week! I did!

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Hi, I'm Ivy from New Orleans, please vote and follow or you'll find a bear outside your house!

Growing up, I was the most adventurous kid in my community. Or, as the grown-ups liked to say, I was reckless. If someone dared me to prank Ms. Tetra, our kindergarten teacher, I'd climb up the bookshelves, and throw paint on her when she sat on her desk, then I ran out through the window. Of course, she always hated me after that. I would climb walls and jump off trees, I'd swing on curtains as if I was a monkey jumping through vines, then they would fall down and I would go hang on the fan while it was spinning. You might be wondering how I'm still alive, that's because I'm practically invincible. Yep, that's what kids called me, Invincible Ivy. I was the class clown, the brave student, the cool kid. My biggest supporter was my best friend Nate, he'd be the loudest one to laugh at my jokes. But, he moved away. Until everyone grew up.

My biggest supporter was my best friend Nate, he'd be the loudest one to laugh at my jokes. But, he moved away. That was just before 3rd grade. We stayed in touch for a few months, and then just got so busy, we drifted apart.

Suddenly I was the only one interested in jumping from rooftops or sliding through chimneys. Now I wasn't Invincible Ivy, I was Ill-minded Ivy. It means I'm dumb. So, as everyone else around me grew, I didn't! The school was so boring without everyone paying attention to my jokes!

But one day, everything changed. 

I was looking through the after school club list and I saw a new club added, DARE CLUB, the caption said. I tore out a flyer, and ran to the janitor's closet, yep, that's where I eat lunch. I took out my cheese sandwich and unwrapped the foil. I chewed the crusty bread while I eyed the description. 


Are you cool enough to join?

Are you brave?




Suddenly, I heard a "BOO!" from behind me. "Ah!" I screeched and I heard a laugh. "Sorry, but I just had to laugh at your reaction. It was priceless." I rolled my eyes, "Hey! I'm the prankster around here, well before everyone became so serious. I'm Ivy by the way, but you probably know me as ill-minded Ivy. Kids at school sure do talk."

"Wait...  Ivy? Is that you?" 

Suddenly it all came rushing back to my mind. 

"N-N-Nate?" I flung my arms around him and he explained that he'd moved back because the kids at his old school would constantly make fun of him.

"Same, I don't have a single friend here!" I told him.


After we said our hellos, we both decided to join the dare club.


We even met some new people who were just like us, different, turns out we weren't the only loners at school.

The dare club was super cool. Once Rosay, my and Nate's new BFF dared me to walk upside down for a day. I was in the finals and I wasn't gonna lose then, I walked upside down for a whole week, just to be extra sure I was going to win.

And yep, I have that trophy hung up in my room.

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