I'm trying, I really am. I'm trying with these people, I'm trying to last another four years but it's so fucking hard. I'm tired of constantly fighting with her, I'm tired of listening to them complain about each other. I just want out. I'm so tired. I just want to be done.
I want my normal family back. I want parents who love each other and who don't neglect me and expect me to raise their son.
I want to feel wanted by the people who brought me into this world rather than them making me want to leave it.
I'm done.
I'm so fucking done.
I'm tired of being here. I wanna leave.
Randomvents. severe tws. don't read if easily triggered Most of these will seem like a cry for help. I assure you, then are not. I just have to get these feelings out somehow before I actually explode.