character sheet

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Name: Y/N Keller
Age: 22
Occupation: CIA special operations agent
Bio: Jenna and Y/N were practically inseparable. Your parents were good friends, and you had spent every day at each other's houses. But after your dad Alex was killed on mission with Captain price, your mom had become depressed, and began taking drugs, as well as dealing them. So you went to live with your grandparents. Leaving Coachella valley hurt, but it didn't hurt nearly as much as seeing the pain in Jenna's eyes. At the age of 18, and after graduating highschool, you joined the army, and was soon drafted into the CIA after serving for four years and saving the cia agent that was placed on your team. After two years away you decided to return home.

The sun rose as the private jet you rode on landed at Palm springs international. Grabbing your bags, which consisted of a back pack and duffle bag, you walked off the plane and into the terminal, where you saw a large crowd forming in the opposite direction of where you needed to go.

Stepping outside the airport a man approached you.

"Mr. Keller?"

"Yes and you are?"

"Well I'm the man you had called a few days ago,asked about your father's Chevelle" he said handing over the keys. Looking passed him you saw your dad's car.

After he left, you got in the car, and started it up.

You began driving and parked in your old driveway. The house was a modest 3 bed 2 bath, and had a 2 and a half car garage.

Walking inside it was already furnished so all you had to do was put away your clothes.

Jenna walked out of the crowd as her security guard escorted her to the limo that was brining her home. She had just wrapped season one of Wednesday and needed some personal time to rest. And where better to do that than your own home.

The limo pulled into the drive way as she looked across the street to the Keller home as she saw the Chevelle on the drive way.

Knocking on the door, she heard foot steps approach.

"Jenna honey" her mom said as she hugged her.

"Hi mom" she said as she returned the hug.

They sat and talked for a while, catching up and just spending time together.

"Hey do you know who's living in the old Keller house?" She said

"I don't know, why don't you go see who it is."

Jenna walked over and knocked and waited.

You heard a knock as you approached the door. Opening it you stood in shock as your childhood best friend stood on your door step.

"Y/N?" she asked stunned.

"Jen?" You asked as you looked at her

She immediately pulled you into a hug. You smiled and returned the hug.

"Where the hell have you been" she asks noticing your tattoos.

"Well you know I moved in with my grand parents in Florida right?"

She nods and gestures for you to continue.

"Well after graduating highschool I joined the army, much to my grandmother's chagrin. I was in for 4 years, was assigned to the 101st, when a CIA liaison was assigned. We were tasked with taking down a high valued target. A sniper had his sights trained on him, I noticed and pushed him out of the way. After the mission he recommended me to be recruited by the CIA."

"Wow" she said.

He stepped to the side and smiled at her.

"You wanna come in?" He asked

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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