Beanie D. and the New Kid

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I am trying different kinds of stories. So yep.

I so tired because i need sleep. I went to sleep at like, 11:30 last night. Ugh! Well here is the first chapter hope you like it! I'm sorry that the typing is weird, I think it has to do with the dots you know. Below this line. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Beanie's POV

I woke up to sound of, Baby by Justin Beiber, on my alarm. I slammed my hand on the alarm and turned over. My mom walked in and opened the curtain's. The bright light hurt my sleepy eyes.

"Just five more mintues Mom!" I yell and turn over again. I try to dig into the soft covers. But my Mom pulls away the covers. I try to grab them from her but I fail. I open my eyes and I sit up. I rubbed my eyes and slowly got up. 

I looked around at my pink floral bed room. Which I hated. My least favorite color is pink but my parents won't let me get it redecorated. 

I went to my bathroom and started to brush my teeth. "Bean get down here!" my younger sister, Viva, called me. I spit out the tooth paste and I headed downstairs.

"Yeah?" I ask. "We are moving." my mom says simply. I choke on my own spit. "I'm sorry it just sounded like you said we were moving! I got a little worried there." I say with my hand to my chest. My mom rolls her eyes. "I did say that." she says. 

"Dad! Get down here! I think Beanie has a problem." Viva waves her hand over my face. I don't even dare to blink. i gulp down a lot of spit that has been building up in my mouth. 

But suddenly my mouth goes dry. "Today?" I whisper. I almost lose my balance so I pull up a chair to sit in. So I'm ready for anything. I'm just waiting to see if my mom is having another child or something because I geuss right now my family is basicly throwing me with life changing news.

"No. We are leaving in a week." my dad says. I didn't know he was in the kitchen!

Well at least, a week gives me time ot say goodbye to my friends and my crush. 

He was perfect, red hair with a little flip on the left side. Almost purple eyes with a little bit of a dark feeling. Like he could break you in a finger snap. But in reality, he wouldn't hurt a fly. At least... I don't think he would. I've never seen a dark side of him. And I'm not sure if I would want to. Ever.

*next morning at school*

I walked up the stair case looking down the whole way. I praticed what I was going to say to my best friend that I have known since I was a little baby. 

"Zoey, we have had a good friendship and- nope that doesn't seem right. Um, Remeber when we said that we wanted to move to London? Well that's happening, on Saturday. Except, it's just my family and me. I am going to miss y-y" I bump into someone. 

I look up. Oh great, just the person I wanted to see! Note the saracasm. 

"Oh hey Beanie." The tall blonde boy says to me. You see, we used to date but just not anymore. 

"Hey Nate." I give him a fake look with a little wiggle of my eyebrows. "It seems like you have to break some bad news to someone." He says. I give him a confused look. How did he know?

"Yeah, I'm uh, moving on Saturday." I say softly. The smile on his face drops. Almost like it went throught the floor or something.

"Oh well that is some pretty bad news huh?" He says with a little tiny laugh. But I knew that he was trying to be happy even though I am leaving and he knows I am not seeing him. Probably ever.

"Well at least it's not a on a different continent." he says with a little bit of hope in his voice. I look down at my hytops that suddenly became very interesting.

"England." I say softly so I don't hurt him too, too much. 

I look into his hazel eyes. I feel some strong arms swollow me up in a hug. I dig into his chest. 

I hear some footsteps run up the flight up the stairs. "Bean! There you a-" I hear a familiar voice say. Nate lets me out of his arms. I turn around to see the purple eyes I came to learn to love. "Robert!" I run over to him and try to give him a hug. But he pushes me away. 

I was confused. I mean he knows that Nate and I aren't dating and we will never date. "Robert?" I ask him and he just gives me an angry look. "Don't talk to me." he says with a tint of angry in his voice. "But you don't understand, I'm leavi-" he cuts me off before I could tell him what is really important. 

"No. Just stop." he walks past Nate and me. The air feels like there is a snow storm. The tempature is cold like a December day. 

I swiftly walked past Nate. He didn't stop me. I didn't stop either. I had to get away from this little complicated thing called, life.


OMG the last sentence was so deep. It touched me. Like not like touched like, ahh murderer! kinda touch but like, my heart ahh I'm :) Not:) Crying:) kinda feeling. 

I like the name Beanie. Don't you? I mean like if someone was calling you in hte hallways or something then they would be like, "Wait up Beanie!" or since here last name starts with a D (LOL, I am so dirty minded XD) then they would be like, "BD, wait up". I mean, I don't know but I think it would be frickin cool to have a name like that. Cuz, well... I don't know. It just would.

Now don't judge.

Like seriously.

Go onto Youtube and search up AAoOD2. You can thank me later.

It's really funny. Like super funny. The best part was when.. LOL I am not telling you.


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