Chapter 2: The Start of A Never Ending Tease

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(Atheina's Pov)
I woke up to the sound of the school bell, class is starting soon. I rub my eyes and i was shocked when i looked to my left side, That girl, again?!? What's with her?

"Hi, slept well?" She asked obviously teasing me.
I gave her a sarcastic smile and nodded.
"Hey, don't be cold like that, do you not know me?" She added
"I dont, all i know is that you dated half the female population of this school." I said
"Tsk, so you do know me." She said proudly.
I groan at her showing how annoyed i am.
"I know you, Atheina, right?"
"Yes, and you?"
"I'm Khenjie, Ken for short."
"Oh, okay Khenjie, we're not close so ill speak formally for now"
"I like your respect Atheina."
She just smiled at me, not an annoying or sarcastic one, a sweet smile. She held eye contact for so long, it was getting awkward, thankfully the teacher came in right on time.
-class- (Atheina's Pov)
"Okay, everyone settle down, i hope your happy with whom you are sitting with right now since we do not have time to arrange seating." the first thing the teacher said, it just started and i hate it already.

"Sweet" i heard Khenjie say.
"Lucky me" she adds staring at me dead in the eye, with that annoying smirk all over her face.
I just rolled my eyes, i hate her already.

"First things first, introduce yourselves, starting with you" the teacher points out the students one after another. It was my turn

"Okay miss, please say your name, age, birthday, hobby and sexuality, yes po, feel free to express yourselves here in this classroom, we support each other, i forgot to mention it on the previous students, i will be coming back to you later, you May now start miss" the teacher said.

"My name is Atheina, i am 15 years old, i was born on October 6 2004, and my hobby is singing, dancing and painting. I'm not really comfortable of answering the last question, sorry miss. That's all i could tell you about me, for now atleast" i said and showed a small smile after.

"Ha! I'm older than you" Khenjie said, how i hate her.
"So what?" I said in an annoyed tone.
"Your turn now, pretty sure everyone knows you already but still, please introduce yourself" the teacher said

"My name is Khenjie, Khen for short, i was born on May 7th  i am 16 and my hobbies are, playing electric guitar, painting, reading books and currently learning tennis. That's all thanks" she said and gave a wink after, which got everyone squealing
I don't know what they see in her other than looks.
"I don't know what they see in you, getting crazy over a wink, they're so weird"
"Nope, your weird miss ma'am"

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