Chapter - 16

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Nobody's POV:

Seungmin was still sleeping, it was 3a.m. and Minho just returned back home. His tears have dried up as he just dragged his feet upstairs towards Seungmin's room.

He opened the door and walked in, he looked at Seungmin sleeping and smiled slightly. Minho laid beside him and hugged him close from behind. He just wanted to stay close to the other and never let him go. He loves him. He wants to be a special person in Seungmin's life.

Minho closed his eyes and fell asleep hugging the younger who was also asleep.

Time skip.. In the morning.. 7:42a.m..

Seungmin's POV:

my eyes fluttered open as I woke up with something heavy holding me. I squinted my eyes as I turned my head to see who is was. It was Minho, I thought that he was sleeping. But why is he here in my room? My cheeks heated up slightly as I smiled softly while staring at him for a few seconds.

I realized what I was doing and I quickly turned away. 'Was I just staring at him?.. Do I like him?.. No way.. that can't be. I can't like him..' My eyes were shaking slightly as I was over thinking.

I tried to remove him hand around my waist but then his grip suddenly tightened a bit. My eyes widened slightly as I realized he was awake. I froze in place as I was surprised. My blush got redder.

"Stay Seungmin. Just for a few more minutes.." He whispered in my ear, his eyes were still closed but he moved closer to me and hugged me tighter. "B-but..-" I was cut off with a finger on my lips, "shhh..." He whispered then removed the finger on my lips and held my waist again.

This was new to me, Minho has never been like this to me over the last month.. What's wrong with him? Why is he being so affectionate? All I could do was stay still and overthink. I frowned as it already has been a while now.

"It has been more than 10 minutes.. c-can you let go now?..-" I mumbled softly as I tapped his arm slightly. "No." Minho said firmly. "Please.." I asked as I frowned. "If I let you go now, what are you going to do after I do so?" He asked. I stayed silent as I didn't know what to reply to that.

"That's right, nothing. Just stay here with me." Minho said as he caressed my hips gently and slowly. I didn't know what is going on, I was too shocked. My blush just got worse and I frowned even more.

"Seungmin.. can I tell you something?.." Minho whispered into my ear. I nodded slightly wondering what he would say.

"I love you."

Those three words shocked me. My eyes widened slightly as I quickly sat up on the bed and turned to face Minho.

"A-Are you serious right now?.. As a friend right?..-" I asked nervously as I stuttered. Minho also sat up on the bed facing me.

"I'm dead serious. I love you Seungmin, I really do. I have grew feelings for you over the past days ever since we met." Minho replied with a soft but sweet tone, but his face with no expressions.

I was speechless, I opened my mouth to day something but paused as I was literally, speechless.

"It's fine if you don't feel the same, I won't force you to like me.. but if you do, will you be my boyfriend?.." he confessed. My jaw dropped, my mind went blank and my heart was racing.

I was excited but at the same time surprised as this was so sudden. "Just nod or shake your head.. you don't have to talk if you don't want to." Minho said and smiled comfortingly as he noticed me hesitating.

I nodded my head slowly, "I.. love you too.." I replied with a soft voice.

Minho couldn't contain his excitement and jumped on me to hug me but he pushedme with too much force than we fell on the floor. Minho looked concerned after we fell and he looked up at me, groaning in pain softly. "Oops.. Sorry.." He rubbed my head to relieve the pain a bit as he tried to hold in his laugh.

"That hurt.." I whined as I frowned. "Well.. Would you like me to kiss you as an apology?~" Minho suddenly started flirting. I smacked his shoulder playfully, "no silly.. I didn't say that.." I blushed slightly as I looked away, I was a bit embarrassed and shy.

"Come on.. can't I have a kiss? we're dating now anyways.." Minho frowned and pouted as he begged just for that kiss. I looked at his pout and couldn't help resisting him.

"Ughhh fine.. Just one small peck.." I mumbled softly as I rolled my eyes.

Nobody's POV:

Minho had a small smirk on his face. He then leaned in a planted a sweet but short kiss on Seungmin's lips. Seungmin couldn't help but blush and looked away.

"Can I kiss you more?~" Minho whispered seductively into Seungmin's ears as he grabbed his chin gently and turned his head to face him.

Seungmin frowned slightly as he hesitated. He didn't know what to say, he just stared into Minho's eyes.

Minho slowly leaned in closed until their noses were touching. Seungmin closed his eyes tightly as he felt nervous, his heart was racing.

Minho smirked slightly as he saw how nervous Seungmin was. "Well then.. I'm gonna do it." Minho whispered then finally closed the gap between their lips. He gently placed his lips on Seungmin's and kissed him slowly but passionately. This time the kiss was a bit longer compared to the first one.

But surprisingly, Seungmin did not pull away, he just accepted it. Minho gently caressed Seungmin's hair with his right hand while he kept his left hand on his waist, squeezing it gently.

Seungmin frowned a bit but tried to stay calm and relax. The kiss was slow and gentle which did work with calming down Seungmin a bit.

Minho didn't want to rush things so he decided to take things slow and steady. He then pulled away from the kiss slowly and smiled warmly while looking at Seungmin.

Seungmin opened his eyes as he looked into Minho's. His cheeks were literally visibly red.

"I love you." Minho whispered with a soft and warm tone.

"I..- I love you too.."


I had been doing this chapter for probably 2 months now and it's short asf 💀 I'm so so so sorry. I hope to update you all soon with chapter 17 or maybe another one shot from my other '2min one shots' book.

But finally these two mfs who have been acting like they are dating are finally officially dating.

Thank you and see you soon! ❤ Ilysm!

Words: 1155

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