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A/n: I totally didn't have writer's block, honestly this chapter was so hard to plan for no reason.








"Isagi." A familiar voice called out to Isagi who was on his phone.

Isagi was resting on a couch before turning himself so he faced where the voice had come from. There stood Kaiser, he looked like an absolute mess.

It was 12am, and Kaiser was here this late, and he was drunk? How did he even manage to get in. Isagi sighed, somewhat already used to this and walked over to Kaiser.

"Why are you always out so late." Isagi mumbled, he seemed like he was talking to himself really, but he still spoke aloud.

Isagi seemed to be fixing Kaiser's hair, but then his gaze fell on something, was it lipstick? Isagi stared at it for a moment...he was trying to convince himself it wasn't there, so he turned the room light on, but it only made the mark more clear.

Kaiser seemed to have noticed this and his eyes seemed to widen slightly, who knows what rushed through his mind throughout the moment.

"Kaiser...what's this?" Isagi asked as he stepped back a little.



"ISAGI!" a voice finally snapped Isagi out of his daydream, he quickly turned to Hyo.

"Finally...I've been trying to get your attention for the past 2 minutes." Hyo mumbled, though Hyo seemed to be observing Isagi's expression.

"Are you okay?" Hyo asked tilting his head to the side, Hyo was being genuine right now.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Isagi hummed waving his hand trying to dismiss Hyo's concern.

"Okay..." Hyo hummed, he seemed a little worried, he wanted Isagi to open up, but Isagi just seemed reluctant, and he didn't want to push Isagi away so he didn't say anything else on the topic.

Isagi was back with his thoughts. He seemed to block out the others despite how many people were already back from the treasure hunt. Why was Isagi thinking about this now?

A hand was gently placed on Isagi's shoulder, so he fixed his gaze on the person thinking it was Hyo, he was met with Kurona's gaze.

"Hey...you feeling alright?" Kurona asked.

Isagi nodded with a hum in response. Isagi peered around wondering where Hyo was and Hyo wasn't all that far away, he was just talking to Bachira.

"You seem to be lost in thought, why so?" Kurona hummed, he seemed curious and well, anyone with brain cells could tell Isagi had something on his mind.

"Thinking of something." Isagi responded with a shrug, he didn't want to dwell on the past so he shrugged it off.

Kurona seemed to understand that and nodded, he felt a bit bad for Isagi, so he did what he thought would comfort Isagi, he gently held Isagi's hand giving it a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

Isagi looked down at their intertwined hands and felt comforted by the gentle affection. Isagi walked beside Kurona to where Hyo and Bachira were, the 2 immediately noticed their presence and smiled waving.

"I'm excited for the food! I hope it's good." Bachira exclaimed.

"As long as it doesn't have mushrooms, I'll be okay with it." Hyo nodded.

"Oo! We should do a class game tonight again!" Bachira suggested.

"Like what?" Isagi questioned.

"Hm." Bachira hummed as he placed a hand on his hip contemplating.

"Maybe.........spot light?" Bachira suggested.

"That's like hide and seek right?" Hyo asked.

"Technically yeah, but it's outside and you have a flashlight to find people...if you're the seeker that is." Bachira explained nodding along with himself.

"It's super fun!" Bachira exclaimed.

"I guess we can, though would we even be allowed outside late?" Isagi asked.

"Who knows." Bachira shrugged, that just made Isagi shake his head.

Half an hour came by and everyone was officially back, the food set for them was amazing, especially after that long treasure hunt...at least for some anyways.

It was now around 5pm and Isagi and Kurona just made it back to the cabin, they decided to hang out for a bit because Kurona wanted to spend some time with Isagi.

As soon as they walked in....Isagi quickly kneeled down to avoid getting hit by a pillow being thrown at him. Both Kurona and Isagi stared blankly at the mess in front of them.

Isagi and Kurona awkwardly walked in closing the door and Rin threw a pillow at Bachira causing Bachira to stumble back and....for some reason Isagi just had to be close to Bachira in that moment and Bachira fell on top of Isagi.

They both just... awkwardly blinked at each other.

"Wow Isagi! Never knew you would look this good up close." Bachira exclaimed with a playful wink.

Isagi grabbed a nearby pillow and slapped Bachira with it causing Bachira to roll off Isagi with a laugh.

"You okay?" Reo asked offering his hand.

"I'm okay, thanks." Isagi nodded and took Reo's hand standing up.

Reo nodded and stumbled a bit as a pillow was thrown at him. Reo was getting irked, he picked the pillow up and threw it at the closest person to him.

"Reo! I didn't even hit you!" Hyo whined.

"Ah-" Reo mumbled as he realised who he hit.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't hurt you did i?" Reo asked immediately at Hyo's side cupping his face, making sure he wasn't hurt...even though it was just a pillow.

"I'm...fine, it was just a pillow Reo." Hyo chuckled awkwardly, he wasn't used to someone being so close in his proximity. Though, it was Reo, Hyo was relaxed.

"Alright then..." Reo nodded and slowly let go of Hyo.

"Alright, cut it out all of you guys!" Chigiri scolded and threw a pillow at Rin's face.

"I'm trying to do my hair and you guys keep throwing pillows everywhere." Chigiri sighed.

"Oops." Bachira laughed.










A/n: wowzers, almost 60k reads, never thought this book would do so well.

Anyways, I was thinking about giving you guys the full backstory of Kaisagi, but then I decided to do it parts, hahahah..😭😭

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