Chapter 3: A New Goal

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• • • • • Third person view

Alan and William had been working on the house for about a month now, and they had made amazing progress. Due to the surprising (to Alan) psychic powers of William, they had done work as fast as if they were 5 mons instead of two, atleast, once William got skilled enough with his power to stop dropping some of the building materials on Alan's tail or head anytime he got distracted.


"Are you OK Alan?" William asked, pausing his work.

"Y-yeah, just hit my forepaw with the h-hammer..." He looked over to where he'd dropped it only to see it slide off of the roof.

"Oops, can you grab it for me William?"

"Yep," He picked up the hammer with his telekinesis and gave it to Alan.

Alan grabbed the hammer with his uninjured forepaw and continued to nail the shingles to the roof while William continued to do the same while passing Alan and himself shingles (with his mind powers of course, he doesn't have three sets of hands).

Alan was very glad he was able to get this house done so much faster than he initially expected, he thought it would take twice this long just to finish the walls and insulation.

After a few more minutes of hammering in shingles, Alan put down the hammer in the toolbox and stretched.

"Alright, that was the last one, we finished the roof," He said with a rather rare smile on his face.

He's smiling... that's a good sign right? It means he's happy, or at least that's what he said it means... This is the first time since he's explained that emotion to me that he seems to be showing it himself.

"So does that mean I can bandage your paw now?" William asked.

Alan looked down at his bruised and bleeding paw. "I don't need a bandage."

"Are you sure?" William asked skeptically.

"Yeah, I'll be fine..." Alan said, flexing it and grimacing from the pain he had been enduring for the past twenty minutes.

William flew over and softly grabbed his paw, accidentally brushing against the wound when he did.

"KEYAH!" Alan screamed.

William gave him a look.

"O-ok, m-maybe it does need to be treated." He said in a small, embarrassed, and extra high-pitched voice.

William grabbed Alan with both his arms and lifted him off of the roof. After setting him down, he went inside to get the first-aid kit that Alan had bought after the first time he hurt himself.

Alan sat there with his wounded paw raised off the ground slightly. He was contemplating how he felt about William as a person. He was a great help, enthusiastic, curious, a bit clumsy sometimes, and more recently, he had become much more expressive, even though he was quite bland when Alan met him for the first time.

It was strange how much William had changed and learned in such a short time, it was almost like he never forgot anything. He probably just had good memory though.

And another thing was, William seemed to have run out of questions a week ago, but he just kept helping Alan work.

Alan was confused as to why he hadn't left yet, but he was grateful for the assistance.

Alan was also still unsure of what species of Pokemon William was.

William came over with a bandage and some medicine, carefully rubbing some of the medicine onto Alan's injury.

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