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Ju-won opened her eyes

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Ju-won opened her eyes. She looked confused at the white walls.

It wasn't her room. Her room has grey-blue walls.

The she remembered.

Last night she couldn't sleep so she went to heeseung. It was okay for him.

She turned on the left. But the place next to her was empty. He must have already gotten up.

Ju-won grabbed her phone to check the time. It was 8am. She knew Heeseung had to work but she didn't know he'd stand up this early in the morning.

She noticed a message on her phone. It was from Sungjin.

June 28th, 6:21am
Hey why are u ignoring my message?

Ju-won raised surprised her eyebrows.

"Which message? I didn't receive one" She spoke to herself.

Then Ju-won opened the chat between Sungjin and her.


Directmessages - choi_sung186

June 27th 8:57pm
Hey, what's up? What r u doing?
Wanna meet?


Ju-won was bewildered. She wondered why the message was officially "seen" by her when she never saw it.

"Maybe it was this stupid phone again" she whispered.

Ju-won quickly replied.

June 28th, 8:14am
Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I completely forgot about replying. I'm really sorry.

She didn't want to say that she never saw his message because she was scared that it would sound like am excuse.
A few seconds later she received an answer.

Oh no problem haha. So I don't know if u're allowed to meet due to the doctor but would you like to meet?

Hm I'm not sure.... I'd really want to but I think Heeseungs will not be okay with this. I mean I'm actually feeling very good but in some situations he's like a dad lol.

Ah okay. Could you may ask him? It would be really nice to meet but not if u're not allowed haha.

Yeah sure. I'll ask him, I'll be back in a few minutes.


Ju-won got out of the big bed after reading Sungjin's message. She opened the door and saw Heesung directly standing in the kitchen. He was washing the dishes while listening to music quietly.

She walked straight over to her brother.

"Good morning" She smiled.

Heeseungs turned surprised around. He didn't hear his sister coming.

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