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It has been hell. One school year is about to end again. We're already on our last semester and the remaining one and a half month will be the span of time for me to endure what they love to do: hurting me.

Yes, at last, I will be free. Sooner or later, I am already free.

The time will come, the end is near.

"Hey Ella, have you eaten your lunch?" Ezay suddenly appeared in front of me while I'm walking silently for my classmates not to realize that I'm slowly escaping the room on our break time. Well, because of what he did, the whole attention of the class is already on me, on us. Ugh, he never fails to ruin my escape plans.

"What the heck, Ezay? Why are you always worrying about that trash? Oh c'mon, can't you see it's worthless?" Our president, Tanya, finally started the game. The game where they always win, I always lose, and Ezay is always the referee.

"What the heck, Tanya? Why are you always worrying about other's business? Oh c'mon, don't you know you're worthless?" Ezay defended. Wow, good thing he's the vice president. He got the looks, the wealth, and the influence. That's why they can't bully him too as a penalty for always standing for me. Actually, I don't know if he really cares for me or he just got nothing to do. Perhaps, he's just bored with his life that's why he's doing these kinds of things.

I just ran as fast as I could to get away from the situation. I'm good at this, running away. Escape. Leaving. This is how my world goes ever since the moment I entered Senior High School. At first I thought it will be the best moment of my existence, but nah, it was the scariest nightmare--being stuck inside a room full of snakes, full of verdict. Not to mention this mysterious guy who never fails to stick with me even if I relentlessly ignore him.

One ordinary day... my fourteen girl classmates attacked me at the hall. I was running just a moment ago to catch up on my SSG meeting but I slipped and tumbled when I didn't notice that there is a puddle of sticky and transparent liquid on the floor. My books fell, my head banged on the floor, and my uniform got dirty. What the hell am I going to do with my life?

"YOU ARE SO CLUMSY! Hahahahaha!" Tanya came out of nowhere, holding her phone, recording everything that is happening.


"WOW! It seems like Ugly Ella suits the title 'Floor Princess'!"

"She looks like a rag cleaning the hallway, very apt."

Everybody's laughing. Everybody's pointing their fingers on me. Everybody seems to be so happy. Oh sure, they love seeing me like this.

I stood, picked all my books, and fixed my eyeglasses. I guess I won't attend the meeting anymore. With my hair full of this gross substance, maybe it's better to wash first and have a cross mark in my record of attendance for the first time.

"Hey, why are you leaving so soon? We're not done with our game yet! HEY! So you're going to ignore us again?!" Tanya pulled my hair back as I tried to walk pass by her. No, not now, don't do this to me now. I'm on a bad mood to mess with your fucking game and I might kill someone if you will not stop.

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