Chapter 1

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"I got the mail before Stephen came back." Stephen was my ma's addict boyfriend. She thinks he's taking care of us when really, he is just crashing at our place because he doesn't have anywhere to stay or any food to eat. "Water bill, the electric bill, rent, taxes, mortgage, nothing out of the ordinary this month." I sigh. She was admitted to the hospital four months ago for chemo. She was diagnosed with bowel cancer two years ago.

"Is it there?" she spoke softly. She was talking about the scholarship I applied for at St. Agatha's. It's one of the most pristine schools in England. Ma was rooting for me the day I told her I applied. Every time I brought the mail over she would ask, but it never came. Until today.

"I feel it, honey. It's in there somewhere," she muttered, shuffling the mail in her hands. A gasp escapes her mouth. I'm assuming she found it. It came in a month ago. Of course, I didn't tell her because I didn't want to leave Jamie alone in that shithole with Stephen. So I never opened it, even though I brought it with me every time I visited. "You don't seem excited, what's wrong?" I shrug at her query.

"Open it, maddie." She handed the letter to me. I've dreaded this moment ever since I saw the crest on the front of the letter. Silently, I pull the letter apart and pull out the slip, reading aloud. " Dear Maddison, we are content to inform you that you have been selected and abode into the pristine school of St. Agathas School of Arts. Your first semester will commence on the 1st of September In Cambridge City, England. More thorough information will be provided through email. We are delighted to have you converge with us, Ms. St. John." I finished reading, unbothered. My ma is practically jumping in her bed.

"Oh, honey this is wonderful news! You have the tell Stephen and I'll tell Debby and Stacy and we can all-" I cut her off before she could finalize. "Please, ma. It's not a big deal. I can't afford to be going to in-person school. I need to pay off the bills and buy Jamie his lunch. It's not gonna work out." I break it to her. Her face droops with disappointment.

"I'll take care of it. I'll send Jamie away to your aunts until you find yourself a steady agenda." she rushed, patting my hand. I smile at her attempt. "I'll try my best, Ma. Just wait and see. I'll become rich and I'll buy us a huge house with everything you ever wanted. I'll give you the life you deserve." I declare, squeezing her hand. She smiles at me. I told her how I'd visit her on the weekends instead of Wednesdays.

"Alright, my shift starts soon. I love you" I whisper against her forehead. I tap a pattern on her hand in Morse code.

"Tell Stephen I love him. He's doing good by you kids, looking after you." I smile a big, fake smile. Tell that to his friend John. He wasn't looking after me when he let him tie me to my bed and fuck me unconscious. But of course, I couldn't tell her that. She's happy. That's all that matters.

I close the hospital door and make my way through the endless hallways, down the tiresome stairs, and out to where my shabby bike is lying against the wall. I throw my leg over it and strap on my helmet, riding through the city until I find the greasy, family cafe where I work. Babies are crying and screaming, some are throwing food on the floor, and kids are on iPads or running about wild. It's a mess.

"St. Johns, you're late," Angie shouts over the noise. "I know I'm sorry, I was visiting my ma. She-"

"Yeah yeah, she's got cancer. 3 milkshakes, a Coke, water and yoghurt at table three," she shouts, handing me a tray. I walk over and place the drinks down at each specified person. The parents ignore me and their kids as I shuffle away awkwardly.

When I got behind the counter, a guy around two years older than me and some of his friends entered the cafe loudly. The customers seem unbothered. "Alright, what can I get for you three?" I convey, pulling out my notepad. " I'd love to eat you up shortie." a guy shouts, and his friends laugh alone with him. Honestly, it has happened so many times that the fact doesn't disturb me anymore.

"Sir if you aren't getting anything I am going to ask you to leave. We are quite busy today." I announce. The middle guy groans. "Why do all the hot girls have to be so uptight, mate?" I heard his friend whisper something into his ear. "like her pink little pussy, lad." he snorts. It's disgusting. "Alright sir, you need to leave. now." He holds up a finger to me before leaving annoyed. I wish I could leave annoyed. Too many reasons why I would.

"Order to table seven, one cappuccino, millionaire pancake stack and a blueberry muffin. Table seven!" Angie calls, handing me another tray. I take it over to the old lady in the corner. "All alright ma'am, one cappuccino, millionaire pancake stack and a blueberry muffin, did we get that right?" she nods and grabs the cappuccino with her shaky, wrinkly hand. I almost wanted to sit with her.

"What is your name, lady?" an angry mother grabs my arm. "Oh, it's Maddison, ma'am. Is there a problem?" I question. "Yes, in fact, there is. We ordered our food half an hour ago, where is it? My children are starving." she complains. I can't deal with another bitch today.

"Ma'am we are quite busy today, your food will be out soon. I assure her. She seems unsatisfied but just nods. "Table five st. John!" Angie shouts again. Going to pick it up, I feel my phone vibrating in my apron pocket. It's Stephen. "Hi, Stephen. I'm working at the moment-"

"Mumma? He's mad at me. I don't know what I did wrong." he whispers, his voice quivering. "It's okay Jamie ill be over soon. " I state through the phone. "Angie, I need to go. Stephens drunk again." I grit my teeth. "Really, St. Johns? That's the third time this week. Tell your ma to get a new boyfriend." she scoffs, dismissing me. I get outside and onto my bike, riding speedily down the street. When I reach our estate house, I get inside and hear Stephen shouting at Jamie from downstairs, not acknowledging my arrival. So I sneak upstairs and into Jamie's room where he's crying under his duvet. "Hey, baby? it's Mumma." I speak softly, sitting down on his bed. He pulls the covers off his tear-stained face with an upside-down frown.

"I just asked for juice. Nana doesn't let me into the glass cupboards and you weren't home. I didn't mean to make him angry." he wavers. "I'll get you some juice. Okay?" I say, ruffling his blonde hair. He is blonde like the who actually got me pregnant at sixteen, and I have jet black like my Ma. When I get downstairs,  Stephen notices me. "Where's the little shit, huh? And where have you been? Visiting your useless Ma? Don't know why I agreed to see her. Just wait for tonight st. John. Johns coming over. He might bring his son. Buckle up."

I ignore his antics and get Jamie his glass of juice. When I get back upstairs, Jamie is looking around his room, playing with his fingers. I hand him his glass and he sips out of the straw.

"How was school?" I raise a question, placing my hand on his scrawny knee. "Fine. I really like this girl called Cara. Her friend told her she likes me too." he declares openly, making me giggle. "You're four, Jamie. You're far too young for a girlfriend." I unveil the truth to him. He shrinks back down into his bed, almost spilling his juice everywhere. "Careful!" I warn, grabbing the glass from his hand before it spills on his duvet.

"So, in a few days, you'll be going to Aunt Sarah for a little while. I'm going to school soon and I can't work, take care of you and go to school all at once. It won't be for long, okay?" Jamie looks on the verge of crying all over again. "Come here, Kid," I say, holding my arms out to him. He shuffles over and buries his head into my arm crack. He doesn't deserve all of this so young. "I'll miss you," he says, his voice muffled.

"I'll miss you too," I say, rubbing his back.


My legs hurt from last night and the rope gave me carpet burn on my wrist and ankles. It hurts painfully to walk and especially to ride a bike. But, I still ride over to the cafe, only to see it isn't open. Angie is just standing out the front, handing the key to some man in a suit. "Angie- what's going on?" I call, slowing down my bike. "Got a good deal on the place. Sold it off to this guy. Sorry love." she proclaimed, walking to her car. "But I have no place to work!" She shrugs and continues getting into her car. "Not my problem." She yells, driving off. I scoff in disbelief.

Fucking fantastic.

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