Chapter 1: The Funeral and The Tree

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     No family had shown up the funeral of our parents. Not that my twin brother and I had ever met family, but I was hoping for a surprise family member to just show up and be like, "Hi I'm your aunt/uncle on your mom's/dad's side of the family." No, the only other people that attended the service were the priest and Bob, our social worker. We're eighteen now so he had no real reason to be here, but I'm glad he's here all the same. He turned into a new family friend over the last two years and it's just nice to see him honestly. 

      My brother was in the same state I have been. Trying not to cry and pushing our feelings down deep. We held each other's hands as we stared down. A single tear from each of us fell at the exact same moment and we stepped away from each other. Bob could only console us from afar. Never the touchy feely type. I think he has kids. 

    After the small service, Bob approached us. "Remember, Allistair and Damian." He started. I could tell his throat was dry. "If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to call me." We could only stare at him as he gave us his card again. 

     We waved goodbye and drove home. Not a word was uttered the entire trip home. A single urn containing what remains of our parents. Together forever even after their end. We get home and go into our different rooms. I think we're both too tired to talk about it right now. I have to remember to chastise hi, for not eating any dinner tomorrow. It's hypocritical though. He'll probably say the same. 

     I think I just want the day to be over with. Yeah, that's it. Maybe I'll just go to sleep early. Seems like a good idea. Don't worry I know I'm trying to convince myself to sleep and not you. I'm not crazy just depressed going through the grieving process, I guess. God, I hope Allastair is doing better than I am. 

     I finally fell asleep. Now I'm in walking around a grass plain and I feel like I'm searching for something. It also feels like Allastair is with me, or rather part of me. That isn't as unusual though. We've shared dreams like that before but not like this. This feels too real. Suddenly we blink and in front of us is a tree. The tree has leaves that look like they're made of steel. The other side is dead with nothing seeming to grow on it. The ground is split into halves in the same way and at where the tree intersects with the ground. The left with what felt like less than nothing. The right side is also dead but with a yellowy sickness that I almost hurled from. 

     Four figures in hoods stood in front of my brother and me

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     Four figures in hoods stood in front of my brother and me. Each held onto a harness of a horse that also stood beside them. As if enough wasn't happening my head started to ache and I fell to my hands and knees from the pain. In the same instant voices rang out from the figures that were layered onto each other. 

     "The drums of battle call for all. Embrace the storm that follows in our wake."
"From abundance to dearth, the balance shifts. With us, you shall sow the seeds of hunger."
"In the wake of chaos, our banners unfurl. Wherever we ride, dominion follows."
"Whispers of eternity linger on our breath. The dance of shadows has begun, and you shall be our partners."

     And then all together they said, "If you can survive."

     Our shared (maybe?) mind couldn't handle this all at once. We both reached down. That's when I knew we were sharing a body with two minds. I'm left-handed and Allistair is right-handed. My hand gripped a sickle as I held it up defensively while my brother held up battle-axe. To say the figures were taken aback would be an understatement. 

     They drew their own weird weapons and mounted their horses. We didn't stand a chance like this. They attacked from all directions. "Alright brother, we gotta focus up. Together now. Fluid motions." He and I got on the same page with our offense and defense. Suddenly our hands began to glow, and we held a khopesh instead. At first, I thought we were just taller, but then I looked down and saw a horse of green vivianite and lapis blue. 

     An instant connection between us as we rode into battle

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     An instant connection between us as we rode into battle. We dispatched the enemy and put them on their asses. 

     Another headache as they speak at the same time again.
     "Your strength is formidable, but remember, chaos is unending. A single battle does not decide the war."
"You've endured, but the hunger remains. The emptiness that gnaws shall test even the strongest spirit."
     "A worthy victory, yet empires crumble, and plagues persist. Your conquest is just the beginning of the end."
"You've glimpsed the veil that shrouds existence, but death's dance is eternal. Your defiance merely rewrites the melody."

     At least this time they sounded more human. My brother spoke. "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Why us?" I curse him mentally as they speak again.

     "Your essence radiates a formidable strength, an energy that beckons my challenge. The clash of our wills is inevitable, a testament to the tumultuous forces that shape humanity."

     "The hunger within you is profound, a reflection of the human spirit's deepest desires. It draws my attention, for in your struggles lies a connection to the trials I unveil."
"Your presence carries an aura of transformation, a force that beckons the world to shift. In your wake, dominion or chaos may arise, signaling the balance that guides us all."
"Fate's tapestry is woven with threads unique to each soul. In you, I sense the weight of existence, the heartbeat of mortality, and the dance that leads all to my realm."

     'Brother, they are asking for us to lead them, I think.' Allistair says to me mentally. 

     'That is quite possible. I know this feels real, but it can't be more than a dream, right?' I answer him. As I ask the question, the world begins to distort and fade. We're waking up I hope and we hear a female voice say. "We'll be seeing you real soon."

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