chapter forty-five.

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THE POSSIBILITY OF Ruby betraying Felicity had quite frequently crossed the Demithan's mind throughout the months of their rather rocky partnership. When Ruby approached her in a dingy bar with a way to get a better vessel as hers wasn't holding up very well and a way to get rid of one of the most ruthless demons, she didn't have much else to lose. She'd been hiding in the shadows for so long since she found herself out of Purgatory, working with a rebellious demon didn't sound like such a bad idea if it meant she wouldn't have to hide anymore. And, with a beautiful necklace that had the ability to prevent other beings from seeing her true form in whatever body she was wearing, she couldn't resist Ruby's offer.

But, over time, Felicity started to wonder if what they were doing was right.

Felicity still wanted Lilith dead as she had the potential to bring more problems for her if the demon were to ever find her or be informed of her existence, but she wasn't so sure about some of the things Ruby had planned. The blood hadn't really been a problem, something that didn't seem so outlandish when Ruby explained it could make Sam grow strong enough to kill Lilith since he had demon blood in him. And, despite not being a full demon, Felicity's blood was made up of the same exact components as a demon━━━it wouldn't be any different to Sam if he drank hers or Ruby's blood. She understood that they were trying to make him dependent on it, using it as a form of keeping Felicity around and making Sam and Birdie need her around still. She also understood why she had to lie about what kind of being she was; saying she was a Knight of Hell at least sounded somewhat realistic, unlike a Demithan. Sam nor Birdie would've ever believed that.

Working with hunters was certainly something to get used to as well, often fighting the urge to shout at them for every little annoying thing they did or take control of Birdie's body and run far, far away where she couldn't be bothered by anyone. They were rather needy and demanding, always wanting something no matter how unattainable it might've been━━━especially the Winchesters. They were loud, obnoxious, and most of all fucking stubborn. Birdie was no different either. Or, that was what Felicity believed for the first few months of their "friendship". But over time, her opinions started to change the longer she was with Birdie and the boys.

Felicity saw firsthand that Birdie and the boys genuinely cared about people, often putting their lives on the line for those they didn't even know. All three of them leaped into danger without a second thought to their own safety, taking blow after blow without ever giving up even if it might've cost them their life. They didn't give up even if something seemed impossible━━━they would make it possible against all the odds. Their hope was unlike any Felicity had ever seen in a human.

It was that hope she felt and saw inside Birdie that made her start to wonder if what she was doing was right. Ruby was adamant that she wanted Lilith dead, but something felt off. She was becoming more persistent, pushing to be closer to them though they'd agreed Felicity had the lead in handling Sam and Birdie. Her tone was becoming more sharp and harsh, not having any patience or even fake friendliness that she'd first had with Felicity. Soon, Felicity started to put some distance between herself and Ruby.

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