←why you→

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The soft rumble of the dryer echos around the room as I sit on the couch a bored look on my face as I put criminal minds on the TV a magical moment really as all I watch is anime or reality TV shows, I look out the window and sigh 'its only 3:57, can't time move faster? Why can't it be Saturday already?!'

*Now don't get her wrong school is out, but she set up a plan to hang out with her friends, this poor introvert was feeling, what we modern day people call, touch starvation. This is an extreme form of not having contact all summer only to have the opportunity of being talked to and hugged by her best friends, it was like a gift from the gods*

*But now all that was left was for her to play the waiting game and luckily tomorrow or should I say today is Friday and all she had to do was spend this day like another and be a couchpotato till tomorrow. She grumbled as she looked at the dryer, 53 minutes until done.*

Yeah that's not going to work, I quickly get up and turn off the TV. I walk to my closet and pop on my vans and pull on a zip up hoodie, lastly I checked to see if I had my phone, keys and headphones. After making sure my door is locked l left to take the elevator down.

The soft ding of the elevator told me that it's doors are about to open, I walk out and exit my building and go the bord walk the smell of ocean was nice since summer was going to end soon and school was going to start in like a month, sigh.

I continue to walk and put my beats on humming to the song that was playing, not really paying attention I accidentally bump into a person. "Oh sorry" I go to help the person up but stop as they put their hand up "it's alright, I also apologize I wasn't looking either" I nodded as we both awkwardly stared at each other before I coughed into my fist

"well if you'll excuse me I have to go, have a good one and I'm sorry again" I do a small wave  and walk a rout that will take me home faster, I felt a strong tug on my arm and I quickly turn around "hey I already apologized- oh where did you go?" I look around to see if I can spot the strange person but they weren't their 'was it my mind?' I think to myself as I continue my walk back home.

I finally get home and kick my shoes to the side and toss my hoodie on the kitchen chair and walk to the couch, as I go to reach for the TV remote I noticed a old looking watch on my wrist 'what the hell is this!?' I thought to myself as I tried to take it off only for a shocked of pain to shoot up my rist 'holy shit this hurts!'

I grab my arm tightly holding my skin, probably going to have a bruise tomorrow but it doesn't matter right now, I groan as the pain finally stops and a newer looking watch was on my wrist "wow what a total upgrade but what is this watch, this better not be some ben ten type of stuff" I deadpan "no probably some transform type of thing" I joke to myself

I tap on it only for it to start to glow and the clock hands to start to spin out of control "wait.... WHAT THE HELL STOP YOU STUPID THING!" I panicked and move it away from my face, "this was a good life, mom you'll have my Xbox and dad I'll give my DVD and VHS's to you and to my little slibings I'll give you the task of deleting my search history- oh wait it stopped" I exhale in relief "only a false alarm nothing too bad-"

I shut up real quick when I hear a loud noise coming from my bedroom, I quietly get up and walk over to the closet and pull out my metal bat, I also grab my pepper spray and walk towards my room. I put my ear against the door "damnit ink that hurt, you told me that are next jump wouldn't hurt!" I hear a deep husky voice speak "Calm down fell, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it-" this guys voice sounds the same just less aggressive and a bit more relaxed

"hey it wasn't me this time!" Woah now this guys voice was a bit lighter and hollow? "ARE YOU OKAY PAPPY, WHAT ABOUT YOU DREAM AND HORROR?" And this guys voice sounded like he was always happy..... and loud "Aww thanks bro I'm fine but edge looks like he was knocked out, how do you feel papyrus?" Smooth and had a tone to it to make it sound.....nice "NYEH HEH HEH THIS IS NOTHING FOR THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" now this voice sounded kind..... and also really loud

"Guys somebody's here" shit, I ran out of my apartment as fast as I could and ran to the stairs, at the speed I was going I was practically flying, skipping steps, I tucked my bat under my  arm and pulled out my phone and called the last contact I spoke to, this so happened to be one of my best friends


'Come on pick up!' I finally reached the first floor and pushed the door open only the hear the voices from earlier call for me 'nope I ain't dying today', I dashed out the back entrance and bolted to my bestie apartment


'you frickin jerk you better pick up' I mentally cried as I ran for my life, thank God I was on a volleyball team my stamina is pretty high! 'haha eat my dust mother trucker!'

Ring- "yo what's good fam-"

"Don't wHaTs gOoD FaM me right now, get out the you're apartment RIGHT NOW!" I look behind me to see three figures following me closely behind "hey get back here" 'AHHH GO AWAY!' My eyes practically roll back in fear as I ran a bit faster "Ayo what, calm down dude what wrong?" I growl "THREE WORDS BAT, CHASED, SCARED" He hums a ok on the other side "so right now or-"


"OKAY OKAY DAMN FAM CHILL IM COMING...pause" I deadpan "Really you had to make that joke now" I can basically hear the smirk through the phone " of course b, anyway, how far are you?" I softly pant as I start to get tired "umm like half a minute, hurry I'm starting to get tired and if that happens you're screwed!"

"Okay, I'll stay on the phone I'm leaving my apartment" I look back one more time to see them catching up. 'I-is that a skeleton? Wait he looks familiar....'



"I SEE I TOLD YOU SO" I say as I push my legs to move faster "okay I'm at you're building where are you?!" I hear a door open through the phone and see Chris my long time childhood best friend run through the door with his metal bat, a long story short I joked about having matching bracelets with my friends and lo-and-behold he brought 3 metal bats to my 15th birthday and said I'll do you one better, now I'm 18 going to college and somehow ended up here getting chased

I see him mouth something 'H A L L  A S S' I deadpan, really? is me not running at full speed not hailin- "oh crap" I tripped and tumbled forward, I did a tuck and roll only to spring back up and continue running but that was enough for the forth of July squad to catch up "Hey girl come here damnit!"

I was yanked backwards falling flat on my back, my mind was spinning but I got my grip back as I heard yelling, I open my eyes to see 3...... no 4 skeletons around me 3 of them were arguing with Chris while the other one was looking at me. My eyes widen as his grin gets bigger, his phalanges pull at his broken skull, I quickly sit up and back up but he pulls me into his chest.

"Looks like are little runner is awake!" He lets out a deep chuckle as he tightened his hold on me squeezing the air out of my lungs, I struggle to get out of his grasp but fail as he was clearly much stronger than me

"Damnit let me go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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