1. Exiled -edited-

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Tradegy had struck the seemingly perfect kingdom when the Gruduk family, one of the most powerful families in all the land, had been overthrown by their very own peasants. With a legacy of fair and wise rulership they had always been respected an revered. Eventually the power got to their heads and they overreached, and were overthrown by the peasants they once considered inferior. The king, queen and their immediate family were executed, the rest exiled. Admist the chaos their only daughter princess Y/N fled the kingdom, trying desperately to survive and find refuge.

Y/N pov:
I ran as far as I could away from the monsters that used to be my people.
Disbelief plagued my mind, how could they after all these years? Deep down I knew my family was slowly pushing the limit, but was this really the answer?
Fallen leaves crunch under my aching feet with each step. Exhaustion began to creep up on me, tears pooling down my cheeks, my dress torn and dirty. I fall to the ground, sobbing. After what seemed like hours of sitting on the forest floor I heard footsteps approach. Craning my head up I see two men in metal armor approaching an unfamiliar country crest clad on their chestpeices.
I'm still too exhausted to flee as the two men approach. I can't help but wonder their intentions, realizing how pathetic I must look to them. Nothing can be worse than what's already happened, so I submit, accepting whatever fate they decide for me. I sit there defeated and exhausted, as one of the men stops feet away and offers his hand to help. I reluctantly take it and get to my feet, hoping for mercy in this desperate situation.
"Miss, are you okay? You're far in the woods where beasts lurk. Why could you possibly be out here?" He questions me obviously suspicious; his eyebrow slightly raised as he looks at my ragged garments and dishevelled appearance. The suspicion and distrust in his voice only serves to heighten my anxiety about the situation, but I try not to show it, still trying to gather myself.
I wipe my tears with the back of my hand, trying to keep my composure as best I can. "Oh anything but fine... where am I?" I murmer softly, my voice full of tension and emotion. I look up at my rescuer, desperate to make a good impression yet still exhausted and unsure of my surroundings. He regards me with a sense of confusion, trying to understand why I'm here alone and so far from any kingdom... but I'm too exhausted to explain or defend myself, and simply hope for his mercy and understanding.
He looks a little shocked under his helmet. "Avatar Country."
My exhaustion fades away for a moment as I realize that we're in a new land, one where I'm not known. It almost seems like a miracle, to have escaped the terrible events that occurred in my kingdom.
"Avatar Country... is that where we are? Oh, I've... I've never been here before," I sputter out nervously, a mix of emotions overwhelming me as I try to make sense of where I am. My eyes wander over the landscape, drawn in by the towering trees than are taller than anything I've ever seen. The ground is covered in lush green vegetation, most of which is unfamiliar to me. Faint chirps drift over the trees, barely audible above the sound of gently rushing water. This new world is so different from what I'm accustomed to, yet I can also sense that there is a strange yet beautiful peace here.
As I take in the lush green landscape, my attention suddenly shifts back to my two rescuers, who are watching me closely, waiting for answers. I feel my nerves spike up, realizing that I got myself lost in the surroundings, and now I'm unsure of what my two rescuers might do or demand now that I'm in their power. But as I look up at them, I notice that their expressions are not aggressive or hostile, but rather cautious and curious. And in their eyes, I see concern and sympathy, rather than judgement and doubt.
Quickly, I try to gather my thoughts and explain my situation as best as I can to the two.
"I'm Y/N Gruduk, from the neighboring Gruduk Country. My family... they... they were overthrown." My voice breaks as I speak, my emotions catching up to me. I feel a slight sense of relief wash over me when I see genuine concern in their expressions, rather than suspicion or hostility.
The second man steps forward, and after taking a look at my ragged clothing and disheveled appearance, he speaks up, saying, "If what she says is true, then the king himself will want to see her, we should take her to him."
As this man speaks, I feel a tiny flicker of hope in my chest. If these two men are willing to bring me to the king, perhaps there is still a chance that I can find a place of safety and refuge here in Avatar Country.
The first man nods in agreement, helping me climb onto the back of one of the horses that were standing in the distance, and we begin to ride through the countryside. As they ride, I take in the beauty of the land, gazing upon the rolling fields of flowers, the occasional passing cottage, and the towering castle in the distance. Despite my exhaustion, I feel a newfound sense of wonder at this strange and unfamiliar land, and I can't help but hope that the king and his court will grant me the protection and refuge I'm desperately searching for.
After a long ride through the countryside, the two men bring us to a stop outside the towering walls of the castle. Im helped off the horse, and the two men bid me good luck.
Before they ride off they speak with a nearby servant, asking her to show me to the king. A few moments later, the servant approaches me, and with a gentle smile and a nod, she says, "Miss Y/N, is it? I'll be showing you to the king, come now."
With a sense of wonder, as well as apprehension I follow the servant through the massive castle gates, unsure of what to expect and hoping for justice and compassion from the king.
As I walk alongside the servant through the gates, my nerves begin to bubble with hesitation and uncertainty. I know that my father was a powerful man who had many enemies and friends alike, and yet I can't help but be unsure whether his connections in Avatar Country have led to love or hate. I push down my unease when we reach the large doors into the castle.
As I cross through the grand doors, my eyes are greeted by a new and unfamiliar world. The interior of this castle is nothing like what I've seen in my own country; intricate paintings decorate every surface, and a variety of different designs ornament every inch of the castle walls. My mind is filled with both wonder and excitement, and a slight hint of nervousness about how the king will receive me.
The servant seemingly notices my gaze as it trails across every inch of the stunning interior of the castle. she speaks up, "The castle is indeed a work of art, isn't it?" the servant notes with a nod, her tone admiring of the opulence and glamour of the space. She continues, "The king himself has a taste for grand things," her voice tinged with a slight sense of awe and admiration for the ruler of this kingdom.
I can't help but smile as we continue to walk through the castle. "You admire the king, he must be a fair ruler," I say to the servant in a light-hearted effort to engage further in conversation, hoping to gain more information about the king before facing him in person.
The servant responds with a nod, her tone friendly and hospitable. "That he is, Lord Kungen is a wonderful king. If I'm not mistaken, you aren't from here, where do you come from, Miss Y/N?"
I stop for a moment to choose my words carefully, weighing how much to share and trying not to overwhelm the servant with my troubles.
"I'm from Gruduk Country," I say. "I'm Y/N Gruduk. Something... happened between my family and the people." I don't go into detail, merely saying that I had to flee and leave everything I knew behind. My explanation is vague, yet there's a sense of regret in my tone.
The servant stops outside two large golden doors, and motions to them. "The king should be inside. I hope things go well for you Princess Y/N." She smiles at me and I return the gesture. I can't help but notice the change in how she addressed me, I hope it didn't affect her impression of me.
"Thank you for your help. I hope to see you again..."
"Ghali, you can call me Ghali. It was a pleasure to meet you princess Y/N."
"You as well, have a good day Miss Ghali." I say my final goodbye and watch as she walks away, returning to her duties.
I take a small breath and push open the large golden doors, finding myself in a massive chamber filled with people, music, and laughter. As my eyes adjust to the bright lights, I spot the king himself, seated on his throne at the far corner of the hall. I feel a nervous flutter in my stomach as I make my way deeper into the chamber, my footsteps clanging with each step, my eyes constantly darting around the room from the strangers who appear to be staring back at me with curiosity and anticipation.
As my eyes dart all around the room, I spot a figure that stands out amongst the rest: a man with long black hair and a black hat, dressed in mostly black except for a red and yellow striped vest and red knee-high socks. His face is covered in black and red paint, with black diamonds covering his eyes and his lips drawn out in thick black lip stick. Despite the man's apparent healthy physique, he holds a cane in his hand. My eyes remain fixated on the mysterious and intriguing figure. His icey blue eyes suddenly meet my own, the shock of realization that I've been staring causing me to look away. I feel my heart racing in my chest as I avert my gaze, feeling slightly embarrassed that he caught me staring.
I find myself at the foot of the king's throne, nervously I look up at him with the realization that I'm now in his presence and power. Despite the growing uneasiness, I politely offer him a bow, feeling odd at being on the giving end of this stick. I take a moment to collect my thoughts, and hope that my actions and words will be acceptable to the king.
I look up at the king, whose appearance is not what I expected. Despite his stone-like expression and cold, blue eyes, his appearance is quite refined, with unruly blonde hair, knotted up in controlled locks, hanging from his head. His expression is still stern, but I feels slightly more at ease at the sight of his well-maintained appearance. I clear my throat and try to muster up the courage to speak. "Your highness my name is Y/N Gruduk... and I..." I pause for a moment, taking a deep breath, and then continue with my words, my voice tinged with a slight hint of fake emotion in order to calm myself. "Your highness my name is Y/N Gruduk, and I... come to you to seek your assistance, your grace my family... the Gruduks, they were overthrown by the people, the king and queen... murdered by our own citizens." I look up at the king, who seems to have a hint of surprise on his face as he listens to my plea.
The king's face seems to flash with recognition as he repeats the name "Gruduk", and a genuine smile forms on his face, which makes me release a breathe I didn't know I was holding. "Y/N... as I remember, your father was a very powerful man," he says. "We knew each other when we were younger, before he left to take rule of your country when he married your mother." He looks down, taking in my ragged appearance, my exhuasted expression, my pleading words. My nervousness quickly returns when I realize I now have his full attention.
"I cannot turn away his daughter in such a time of need. You may stay in my castle, my country, as long as you need, princess Y/N. It is my honor to have you here."
I'm shocked as he welcomes me with open arms, I watch as his face brightens with kindness and generosity. My eyes fill up with tears as I realize the opportunity presented to me, the chance to escape the fate I was once destined to have.
"I cannot thank you enough your highness," I reply, my eyes wide and voice full of gratitude. I clasp my hands together and bow in respect to the king.
The king's eyes begin to trail over the chamber, searching for something or someone. "Johannes! Come forth," he demands in a slightly stern tone, as if expecting someone to step up and answer his call. There is a hint of impatience in his voice, an urgency that fills me with a sense of suspense and mystery as I wait to see who the king has summoned.
I hear a pair of footsteps approaching, the chatter and music of the room dying down as the crowd shifts their attention to the individual coming towards me. As I turn my head to see who emerges from the crowd, my eyes fall on the strange-looking man who caught my attention earlier. His strange appearance and unique outfit make him stand out from the rest, and I can't help but feel curious as to what his purpose is in the kingdom and his connection to the king. As the strange looking man, named Johannes, approaches me, I can't help but look him over, trying my best not to make my staring too obvious . The king glances over my appearance once again, clearly taking into account my dirty ripped clothing.
"Johannes, show princess Y/N to her room," he says, his tone slightly warmer as he addresses the strange man. "Make sure she is comfortable," he continues. "And have the servants get her some clothes, I don't want her walking around like that."
Johannes nods at the king in obedience, and then turns to me, looking at me once again before turning away. "Follow me, princess Y/N," he says before disappearing into the crowd, leaving me standing there with the task of following after him to avoid getting lost. I rush after him, trying to keep up with his quick pace and prevent getting lost in the swarm of guests.
I try to follow his figure, but begin to lose sight of him amid the sea of people, my heart races and breath quickens as I try to find him. The music is too loud and the crowd is too vast, I begin to feel overwhelmed and lost, not knowing where I'm supposed to go next. Just as I begin to panic, a cold slender hand wraps around my wrist and pulls me through the chamber, leading me outside. I feel relieved to be away from the loud music and masses of people, and try to breathe slowly and calm myself down.
I look up and find myself faced with Johannes, who looks apologetic as he meets my eyes. Kneeling down next to me, he seems genuinely concerned for my well-being, his words showing that he feels bad for losing me in the crowd.
"Oh dear... Sorry princess," he says, sounding sincere and slightly worried. "I didn't mean to lose you," he continues. "Are you alright? You seem worked up." I feel slightly embarrassed at the question, but also appreciating the genuine concern in his voice.
I can't help but feel heat rising to my fave as I look away from Johannes, feeling flustered by my reaction to his words. Even as I try to hide my blushing, I can't help but be aware of the fact that the reaction might be improper, and I quickly attempt to compose myself.
"I'm okay Johannes," I finally reply, trying to sound unaffected by his worry. "Thank you for your concern." My voice remains steady and calm, despite my heart racing and mind full of nervous thoughts.
Johannes quickly stands up and brushes himself off, seeming relieved that I'm not seriously affected by the events of the last few minutes.
"Thank the king," he mutters, his tone barely audible and his face hinting at a sense of relief.
With a kind smile as he looks back at me, Johannes begins to walk away, his pace noticeably slower, as he leads the way to my room. His manner towards me seems much more relaxed now, and it almost seems like he's going out of his way to make me feel comfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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