𝟏𝟒. game 1 (boys)

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"ALRIGHT YA'LL, WE just touched down in— Okay, I'm not being Cam bro!" Nelson laughed, shaking his head. "We're here in the airport, waiting for Cam and Vienna. We got Lavar and Donovan. Then Mr. Reese. We're currently waiting on Cam, bitchass taking too long."

He then looks over to Lavar, speaking up. "I think we're going to press him, right? Because he was talking shit on live."

"Again?" Lavar questions.

"Yeah, again."

"I don't understand Cam bro, he has something against me." Lavar complains, his hands were up. "Okay, you know what, when we see Cam we're going to fuck him."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait why are you mad at him?"

"I don't know, I actually don't." He shook his head. "He's just a bitch."

Nelson laughs. "He's just a fucking bitch." He then rubs his hands in front of his face. "I say we get like 50k on this video? 50k?"

"Yeah, 50k is a reasonable amount." Ray nodded his head.

"We're starting off smooth but this is the last RWE tournament of the summer." Nelson frowned and then he started fake crying, hugging Lavar. Donovan joins the hug, crying loudly. "Alright, alright."

"Aye, you haven't seen your girl in a while, am I right?" Lavar asked, nudging Nelson's arm. He looks up at him and then shook his head. "This is the first time they'll see each other after a week of no in person contact. You excited?"

Nelson grinned ear to ear, nodding his head. "Hell yeah I am."

"Okay enough lovey dovey shit. Let's go find Cam and Vienna. Did ya'll see what she was wearing on the plane? She's matching with Nelson right now." Lavar spoke, motioning to Nelson's outfit. He had dark pj pants on with his black spider punk hoodie.

"You're joking?"

"Nah, dead ass. Look." He shows Donovan the tiktok Cam posted of her sleeping and then it shows her outfit. They decided to talk about how they were going to embarass Vienna and Cam when they walk out, yelling their names.

When they saw them they jumped up and down, "Cam Wilder and Vienna Anderson!" They yelled, running over and wrapping their arms around them. Vienna was squished and she had a concern look on her face.

They stop and then walk to a quiet area. Vienna and Nelson hug, he kisses her forehead before wrapping his arm around her waist and followed Cam.

Cam sat down, "You know what's crazy? I thought we left Giannis home. You know what I'm saying? I thought we didn't bring Giannis here for a reason. And I know I brought them."

Nelson dragged Vienna over to his luggage and hers, she had her headphones around her neck like Nelson, fully matching. "Yo, hold on, let me take a quick picture of this." Lavar pulled out his phone.

"Stand like this." Nelson told her, spreading his legs and crossing his arms. Vienna furrowed her eyebrows and then copies him. Lavar took the picture and then posted it on his story.

"Why did we stand like that?" She questioned, looking at the photo on her phone. Nelson looks at it over her shoulder, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Because that's the way Cam stands."

They met up with Zion at the airport, he dapped everyone up. "Yeah guys, so Zion touched down. Of course he's the fucking latest guy here uh but he's finally fucking here so we can finally fucking leave.

"Nah, I gotta go get my bag." Zion mumbled, looking around for baggage claim.

Vienna rolled her eyes. "We're just going to leave you here. Not going to lie, we're leaving." She grabbed Nelson's hand, dragging him away.

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