dare 47

148 3 8

Me: Okay, time to react. *let's them watch the video*

After watching 

Megatron: I gotta admitt, that was weird. 

Starscream: For once I agree with Megatron. 

Dreadwing: I don't get the hate against them. 

Airachnid: I never expected Shockwave to hate women. 

Skyquake: Weird... 

Makeshift: I agree with Shockwave. 

Laserbeak: <No comment.> 

Soundwave: *using Knockout's voice* Awkward...

Knockout: I agree with Shockwave. 

Breakdown: I totally don't agree with Shockwave, women should be respected. 

Shockwave: No comment... 

Optimus: Women should be respected. 

Ultra Magnus: I agree with Optimus. 

Smokescreen: Women are just as valuable as men. 

Wheeljack: No, just no. 

Bumblebee: :;Why hate women?;: 

Arcee: This makes me hate Shockwave even more. 

Ratchet: I get him, but at the same time I don't. 

Bulkhead: I don't get the hate. 

Predaking: I understand it, they can be annoying. 

Skylynx: *asleep* 

Darksteel: *trying to wake Skylynx up* 

Hardshell: They're so annoying. 

Cliffjumper: Women are amazing. 

Tailgate: Shockwave's never gonna hear the end of this. 

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