「🌙」𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨; 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯

510 34 14

❤︎ ━━━━━━━━━


seoul, south korea

minho's eyes flutter open, his dazed feeling quickly being replaced by confusion and fear as he looks over the walls surrounding him.
he calms down just as quickly as he remembers the events of the previous day.

he climbs out of bed, attempting to twist the doorknob, stopped by an unknown force.
it's when he realizes; he's still locked inside.

he sighs, retreating from the bedroom door and heading for the bathroom door instead.

he takes a hot shower, attempting to calm his nerves.
he lets the reality of the situation finally take its toll on him.

he lets the tears flow, his body shaking violently hugging himself tightly.
he quickly pulls himself together when he faintly hears the lock of the bedroom door click.

he hurriedly finishes his shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and rushing out of the bathroom.

when he enters the bedroom, he sees felix standing in the center, his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants.
he smiles sleepily when his eyes land on minho.

chris hyung sent me to bring you down for breakfast.
felix informs.

i'll go wait in the hall until you've finished dressing.
he adds, exiting the bedroom presumably to wait outside the door.

minho quickly dresses himself, throwing on something simple, feeling no need, or having no energy to dress up properly.
he opens the bedroom door, stepping into the hall.
even though he was aware felix had been waiting for him outside, he still jumps slightly when he spots him standing to his left.

felix smiles softly, nodding towards the elevator, walking away, non-verbally telling minho to follow him.

how did you sleep?
felix asks once the elevator door has closed them in.
minho shrugs his shoulders as response, in no mood to talk.

they exit the elevator and felix leads him to the dining room.

everyone sitting around the table erupts into loud exclaims and greetings when they spot felix.

minho stands to the side awkwardly, fidgeting in place.
he makes eye-contact with chris at head of the table for a moment before quickly looking at the floor.

hey, come sit here!
felix exclaims, patting the empty spot next to him.
minho hesitantly fills the empty seat.
felix throws his arm around minho's shoulder like they're close friends, going around the table introducing everyone.

while everyone is emersed in conversations and arguements, minho picks at the food on his plate, his mind on too many things to eat.

how is his grandmother?
who did chris get to look after her?
was his 'i'm okay' message to aeri convincing enough?
should he just tell her everything that's happened?
does he have to stay with these people forever?
why does he want to cry again?

he pulls himself from dark cloud thoughts when he feels a tear roll down his cheek.
he quickly wipes it away looking around the table to see if anyone has noticed, cursing to himself when he spots chris' hard gaze burning through him.

the one he now knows as jeongin begins clearing the table, picking up the plates, giving minho a look when he sees his untouched plate.

everyone else disperses, going to do their own things, except chris, who stands at the head of the table, and felix who stays by his side.

𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴; 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙉Where stories live. Discover now